Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

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the rest of the story

It was hard to wrap 17+ hrs up in one little blog post.  I skipped a ton of stuff that I will try to capture/highlight here, if only for myself.  It was also pointed out to me how convoluted my previous post was – haha – Im not going to go back and fix it tho, it is just where my head was – after no sleep for three days and a little bit of pain killers (well RX anti-inflammatory that probably expired four yrs ago but whatevs).

The race story really starts Friday night just after the pre-race dinner/meeting.  I called my friend, Harmony who didn’t live too far from the course and we were to meet up and spend a little time together.  But I had little to no cell coverage and could hardly call, text or use gps.  I started to have a full-on breakdown.  I screamed, I cried, I was lost, I felt like everything was caving in on me.  This was: taper + biggest race ever + Ive been sick and still don’t know why + where am I + Im starving + I have no technology to help me –  all wrapped up in one.  She was so sweet, so patient.  A long while later we were finally connected.  She took me to REI and helped me find what I needed then treated me to a fantastic dinner and gave me a beautiful sparkly bracelet that said BELIEVE.  I really don’t know how much better of a friend she could have been to me in that moment.

Now we skip to the part where my husband drives 2 hrs in the middle of the night, just to get no sleep at all w me then drive back home at the crack of dawn to take on two kids and a basketball tournament….

*Now back to the race*

I talked previously about the moment of deciding if I could go any further and then the last bits (9 hrs) and the people who helped me – but I didn’t say much about the first 8 hours which I spent with two amazing people who I couldn’t have done it without – Rachel and Cori.  We bonded and chatted and devised plans and methodologies on various parts of the course ie where to run and where to walk and where to turn….reminding each other to drink etc.  It was a lollipop course that you could choose to run in either direction.  Different people chose different directions for different reasons.  It came down to choosing between steeper inclines for longer stretches of downward motion verses short steep inclines and longer upwards with a gradual slope.  After trying both the three of us agreed we preferred to tough out short steep inclines as the declines we more painful in the extreme, and conversely, we could literally run super fast on the long downs.  Either way, there were narrow rocky parts that were unrunable regardless.

I hope to find their contact info because we lost touch in the second half (they kept going when I took my icing-the-ankle-break).  I do know that Rachel finished 8 loops and Cori finished 7.

Some highlights overall include:

–        Again, the food & support crew

–        There was a waterfall, and whenever I heard it up in the distance, it was  a signal to me that the final turn was just ahead

–        Even though the bridge caused an optical illusion that made us all dizzy, it was really pretty

–        There were REAL bathrooms, it was quite a treat

–        The sound of the water all around us was soothing

–        The stars were so bright through the trees

–        None of the animals attacked us 😉 they just provided ambiance

–        Every person I met and encountered was helpful and kind and it was very cool to watch everyone helping each other in ways big and small

–        A few of us saw a bridge washed away by the storm during Lap 1 and stopped to fix it – we all worked together as a team, it was very motivating and positive

And finally:

– We logged over 200 miles and $2,000 for Jodi 😉

Overall it was a non-stop myriad of blessings and pleasant surprises.  So much goodness in people and nature.  An experience I wouldn’t trade for anything and look forward to doing again!!!


My first attempt at a 24-Hour Ultra

Let me start by saying 17 hours and 11 minutes later, I am sure that was the best racing experience of my life.  Having accomplished 50 miles previously in less than 12 hours on a fairly technical course, you can imagine how technical this course was to have taken me that long.

After the 6th lap I was at about the time I’d finished JFK, I had another 2 laps to go to get to 50, and although still on track for accomplishing 100k w time to spare, it was very much not a priority as much as a fleeting idea or matter of fact that I was completely ready to ignoring entirely.

I made a lot of promises to people who care about me and matter to me, and most of all to myself about listening to my body and just enjoying the experience – nothing more.

First of all – the folks at  Athletic Equation  put on a second to none organized event with the best support crew and food I have ever experienced – with round the clock cooks providing a terrific spread to a support staff that knows you and takes care of you every minutes.  I had nothing to worry about.  I cant say enough about all of them.

At the pre-race dinner-meeting a lady got up and told a story.  I couldn’t hold back the tears.  You know I went into this having been sick for many weeks with three different doctors having no idea why – and subsequently being insufficiently trained to say the least.   And her words touched me deep to my core, they were just what I needed to hear and they reaffirmed that I’d made the right decision showing up despite all of the suggestion that I shouldn’t.  This lady understood – I hoped we’d get a chance to talk, and little did I know, we would…

So I had no big expectations.  I was happy just to be there.  From minute I arrived it was a great experience (minus the camping which just isn’t my cup of tea).  I knew the area and had enjoyed the trail on a few recent occasions, and was happy to just walk it.  I got NO sleep the night before (note the camping comment) and ended up calling my poor husband at 11pm and begging him to drive two hrs and come lay w me to help me try to rest.  He did show up which is so nice but needless to say we were both too uncomfortable to sleep.  Lesson learned – next year (YES I PLAN TO DO IT AGAIN) , I’ll stay in the bunk dorm not a private cabin – OR a nearby hotel.

Anyways, up at the crack of dawn welcomed by a nice breakfast but no appetite.  This [state of no desire to eat] maintains for the next 20 hours – I don’t want to eat anything and if you know me, you know that I normally have an INSATIABLE appetite all day every day.  But nothing appealed to me (not that it didn’t look and taste and smell great  and I just had no urge to eat anything.  I think my focus was mostly on drinking enough, but for some reason  I can never really judge my intake on my own.

This is a good time to start talking about the importance of a crew.  I remember in my first ultra (50k) I’d separated from my team and was in such a groove I had no desire to do anything but run – I felt great and ran past aid stations w out even stopping – although achieving a PR that has never been even close to  broken – I became severely dehydrated and could have killed myself (but felt great ).

Then in my first 50 Miler Steve kept bringing me food all day – then in the last 15 or so miles, I had zero sense of anything  – pain, distance, time, depth perception – and of course thirst and hunger – My trainer just kept asking me questions and telling me what to eat and drink.

Last night was very much like this.  The crew would check my bag and tell me what I need and I just listened (well mostly I did).

Around 50k Jean  showed up.  She brought me a gluten free pizza (which ultimately was one of the only things I would eat the whole time) and the most mouth watering brownies I have ever eaten that she fixed for me.

She also brought me things I’d never even thought of like a reflective belt, extra batteries, a hand-held flashlight (that was very bright and ended up being my main light source rather than the headlamp) and so much more.  She took over the role of monitoring my intake and telling me what to do and I tried to listen.  ((she also joined the race crew and helped many other people))

At first I told her “Sorry you came all this way but I’m done, my race is over”.  After 30 miles of running strong and happy and painfree (averaging a sub 2 hr loop each time), I’d landed wrong on a rock and twisted my ankle badly.  She took off my shoe and iced me and started talking to me.

She asked me where my ‘enjoyment level’ was – she got me to really look at what I was doing and why and how did I feel.

We decided to do a loop together and take it one step at a time and reevaluate after.  But first, we iced it and wrapped it and did a little stretching.

The loop went well – not even much slower than the last 5.   More importantly, we ran into Felecia, the girl who spoke the night before.  The three of us became an  item 😉

For the first several hours of the race Felicia was in the top 10, and on the road to at least 100k if not 75, with time to spare.  But she’d just landed wrong like I did, and aggravated her IT band, and if you check out her blog I posted on my page, you’ll see that she has too much planned to risk anything now.

So there we both were – reassessing what we were shooting for and why, moment by moment, evaluating risk and deciding accordingly.  We both felt like we could go again and we did – slowly.  We talked and talked!

The moon was a sliver and the stars were twinkling high above the towering treetops in the cool spring night air.  The sound of the water ever in the background like white noise.  Animals were shifting around in the leaves in the dark.  We saw everything from snakes to moles and lizards – and well,  my peripherals played tricks on me and made tree stumps look like black bears.

For lap 8 Charlie showed up.  We really couldn’t have done this lap w out him.  This was 8 for me and 9 for Felecia.  The track had gone through a lot w/ all the crazy recent storms we just had and even knocked out bridges and creating a few hazards and spots that you literally had to leap over to get by.  At this point when we reached rocks and slopes that we’d previously sailed through, Charlie stood and gave us a hand one by one as we came around the loop one last time in roughly three and a half hours – more than twice as long as it took earlier in the morning.

When the clock struck 12 we all cheered in the night.  We’d made it to the next day.  We discussed it and agreed that neither of us felt the need to go any further and that we were pleased with what we had done.  We knew people would say “But Felecia, only one more loop to 100k” and “Kirsten, you have two more in you” – and we both knew those things were true, but it didn’t matter, we were happy and at peace w our decision to cross the lap finish one more time and no more.  We will use prudence, she said.  And we agreed.

I was happy the whole time.  No regrets, no stress – just happy – even when I had pain at the very end.    Thats just it – you’ll need bravery, tenacity, loyalty, strength – you’ll need so many things – then mix in PRUDENCE, and proceed.

And when we got back to my cabin to clean and pack, I found a beautiful big banner decorated by Jean with loving messages all over it.  All I could do was cry joyfully.

I have a half at the end of the month and another 50 miler one month away, neither of which I currently think are going to happen and I’m ok with that.  I’m very much ok with everything turning out however it is supposed to – almost Zen-like peace – and I don’t even need to know or plan – I can just BE.

Psalm 46:10

stats banner

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Goals for this weekend:

Goals in layers:

–        Layer 1, Get cleared by the doctor

–        Layer 2, Make it to 50 miles

–        Layer 3, 100k, a new distance PR

–        Layer 4, 75 Miles, another medal 😉

–        Layer 5, complete the full 24-Hours w/ out stopping and just see how far I can go….

That’s it really.

  • Overall banner goal – raise $10,000 for Jodi – you know, just so I can dye my hair purple and shave it off.

Holding the rest of my thoughts until it is all over…


everything is going to be ok ;)

It has been over a month and I’m still sick w no signs of improvement.  The one doctor appointment turned up with all tests saying I am perfectly healthy, which is clearly erroneous.  So today I went to another doctor.  This is going to be long but is full of info that may be helpful so may be worth a gander.

My brilliant, wonderful, fantastic [holistic, non-western-main-stream-drug-pushing] doctor spent 45 minutes just listening to me talk, asking questions and taking notes.

He then put out a few things to consider.  Some of which will require further testing to rule-out or diagnose, and another option that will just require me to STOP EXERCISING completely – at least for a while…

Option one: food allergy – we need to do a food diary – and yes, you can just develop one out of nowhere – this is his least likely hunch and was just a thing he threw out there.

Option two: Lyme disease – I do spend a lot of time in the woods afterall, and this is tricky to diagnose because there are three levels of symptoms and there is no consistency in results etc.  He said there is a common blood test and then a least common one and that he wanted me to go do both of them.    I don’t have some of the main indicators but then, some people never do, but he can see where I’d have both the respiratory and GI issues with Lyme.

Option three: I could have Rhabdomyolysis – and this is what he feels is most strongly the case.  The only way to know for sure is to STOP EXERCISING – this is also the only way to heal it.  Much more on this later….

And there is a fourth option – I could be poisoning myself.  Yep.  Fun.

Note – Its funny that I just wrote a piece about making judgments about health and lifestyles…

Did you know that ‘organic’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘healthy’ – and that ‘organic’ brown rice syrup used to sweeten & process food, is made from poisons such as arsenic?  AND that much of the gluten free pastas and breads contain brown rice syrup????

Good lord really??  In which case I’m also poisoning my entire family.

So many questions spinning around in my head.  I need to go for a run to sort it all out.  Oh wait, I’m not allowed????!!!

A little bit of weird dark humor there sorry.

So back to the rhabdo real quick – I can definitely see where I put off the impression that I’m exercising a wicked ton and there was a time where I was doing a lot more than I am now.  But really, between the nutso winter we just had, my ridiculously busy schedule and the just plain feeling like crud lately, I have not been exercising anywhere near as much as I was previously.

This of course doesn’t mean that I haven’t caused a breakdown in my muscle tissues over time in the last few yrs of running that have just started to elevate the levels of toxins in my blood that are causing a breakdown in my liver and kidneys now….subsequently leading to me being so sick now.

You have to admit it is a sweet Edgar Allen Poe sort of irony to think I may have exercised myself sick huh.

This condition can be turned around.  Resting is the only way.  He thinks my condition is chronic and that I can reverse it with rest.  He said the rest can be as short as 72 hours depending on how long it has been going on.    We shall see.

Ps I told him that I read recently that too much protein can upset your stomach and he said although true, I might want to think about Magnesium.  It is found in dark leafy vegetables appearing daily in my diet, as well as found in the bolthouse proteins drinks that I drink often, AS WELL AS in my larabars eaten frequently in my diet. ..


What’s left for me to eat/do?

*feeling a little defeated*

And so I shall be still (Psalm 47:10)

And then I will PRESS ON (Phil 3:12)


Love and thanks to all my loyal supporters (my mother-in-law Pat, Donna, Harmony etc) for their caring and concern




Matthew 7:1

When I say I am a judgmental person, I don’t mean it in a hateful or unkind way.  The judgment I pass is in reference to how you might be doing something when I wish you’d do it better for your own good.  I love people and I want to help them.  I know that people do bad things to themselves and I want them to stop.  I want them to treat themselves better.  But I don’t know everyone’s story, so – that is what I mean.

Here’s an example of judgment gone wrong – when I had only one kid, I did a lot of things wrong and didn’t know it – but all I knew was that my kid was awesome and your kid was out of control.  I must have been doing something right and you were doing it wrong.  Then his brother came along and as much as I know full and well all the things I do wrong on a daily basis, I also realize that I didn’t do anything different with #2 then I did with #1 yet they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.  So much for that.

Then I look at people with serious health issues, and I wish they would exercise and eat right.  I see people who do things so terribly wrong that I would never dream of living that way – but – I used to.

So – that all I want – I want to help people.

But heres the thing.

I have been very healthy for the last several years – no medicine, no illness – and I just keep improving my lifestyle.  So why am I not getting in better and better shape?  I was fitter, leaner, faster and stronger 3 yrs ago!

And now, all of a sudden, in the last month – I have gotten sick!

Very sick.

I don’t know which came first – the chicken or the egg – so, I don’t know if a gi infection caused respiratory inflammation and complications or the other way around – but I know I have had xrays and full bloodwork panel and there are no abnormalities.  According to the labs I am completely healthy – yet, Im not.  And this isn’t the first time this has happened.  A couple years ago I just started feeling bad.


If anything I eat and exercise better now than I did when I was 20 pounds lighter and significantly faster.  I went from a 4:20 marathon to 5:15 and from a 7:02 50k to a 10 hour.  Heck today it took me 1:40 to do 8 miles and my 10 mile PR is sub 90.  Im not saying I do everything right or perfect, of course I dont – but there’s not a ton of room for improvement and this is just the key I am referring to where you cant assume that healthy lifestyle = a clean bill of health and all the sick people did it to themselves.

I’m sick in the bathroom 20 times per day and Im out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs.

With the longest race of my life less than two weeks away this is not what I had envisioned for myself at this point.

Tomorrow im going to my holistic/wellness doctor who I’ve not seen in quite a while.  I don’t know what he’ll be able to do at this 11th hour but I’ll stand on my head and eat butterflies if he tells me to.

this is a true story

I would like to preface by saying I neither condone murdering people nor am I in any way making jest of mental illness – I’m just telling a story – a true one:

I stopped to fill up my gas tank on my way to the office.   The pump asked me if I wanted a car wash.  Even though I didn’t really have time, I pressed the Yes button.

I punched the code from the receipt and entered.  The water was spraying and the brushes were spinning.

Then I thought, now it was early mind you – but I thought I saw a very large silhouette of a man standing at the edge of the exit way.  Then I was sure.  He moved.  He stepped to the side.  Now he was facing me, and just staring.  He was all dressed in black.  His head was shaved.  To me he looked like Jason from Friday the 13th

He put his hood over his head and stepped forward.  I froze.  I was afraid.  If I’d had a gun on me, I would have shot him – of that I have no doubt.   Quickly thoughts began running through my mind of what I might try to do.    Could I drive while the brushes were going?  Could I back up?  Should I beep the horn?

Rather than use my phone to dial 911 or something stupid like that – I used  it to take a picture of him?  I even took the time to swiftly turn off the flash so as not to enrage him.  Afterall, he is Jason – w/ out a mask.

Then he was standing right over me at the driver’s side window.  For some reason, I turned down the window a tiny bit.  I could hardly understand him.  He said something about ‘Making it better’.

I think he is the guy who waits for you to drive out and then wipes off the car for $5.

“I don’t have any cash” I said “No money”

He walked away.  He was soaked.

I drove away with my car covered in soap.

—— ~ —— ~ ——- ~ —— ~ —— ~ ——- ~ —— ~ —— ~ ——- ~

A couple of days later,  I went to the same gas station to get cash and coffee.  As I was checking out, I said to the manager, “Uhm how is your car wash working these days”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well, I got a real scare the other day, I was in there and….”


“I’m sorry”

“He works here, well, he doesn’t really work here but you know, he uhm…”

“Yeah, I could tell”  ((we looked at each other eye to eye in that knowing way where no words are needed))

“Did he take his clothes off”

“I’m sorry???!!!”

“Yeah, he does that sometimes”


“Well that’s good”

I really am glad he didn’t take his clothes off – and that I didn’t have a gun on me.  I would have been that lady, who killed that poor guy who just wanted to make $5 (and looked like Jason).

a month away

7 miles for the first two days of April.   Right inline w/ my plan.  Oh, here is my plan for this month.  I have just over 30 days until the big race.

I will do at least 180 miles this month – 5k/day M-F and a minimum of 15 Sat & Sun.   I’m so excited.  I envision myself doing lots more timed ultras

But that’s not enough.  I had a little chat with myself today.  I decided I need to spend more time on my core.  I cant just base-miles my way into this race.  Miles are important but theyre not enough.  So I promised myself to incorporate a good amount of strength & core into my daily routine (maybe minus my long run days).

Running takes more than just legs.  You use your stomach and your arms – when they are strong, you are strong – and fast – and with strength comes endurance.

So that’s it.  Im not going to beat myself up for what I should have done and didn’t do, I’m just moving forward ~ One Step at a Time

Here is a peak at today’s fun run on the trail w/ Steve:

running walking dead

<3 K



read to learn about my 24-hour-ultra and why Im doing it!!!!!!!!!!!

I would once again like to introduce you to my friend Jodi, for whom I have organized my event/fundraiser.

Her father passed away when she was just 13 years old.  She was very close with her dad and was devastated as you can guess.  Some of you have suffered similar losses, I have not.  I can only imagine.

Not long after her mother signed her rights away to her for whatever her reasons were.  She kept her little brother though.  Now we have all endured our different sorts of abandonment and rejection in life – and no one is necessarily worse or more painful than another – I don’t make light of any of it.  I just know that there are certain things that just create a whole new level of unacceptable and for some, impossible to overcome.  I am not here to pass judgment, that is not my point, I just would certainly venture to say at least in my own opinion that this line was drawn here.

Jodi fell into a similar text book pattern of self-destruction in her early adulthood, but through faith and pure will to fight, she rose above her inwardly-abusive behaviors and did something remarkable – she lost nearly 200 pounds by eating healthy and exercising.

She fell in love, she got married, and things were falling into place nicely.  Twenty weeks into her pregnancy, she was diagnosed with ‘terminal’ cancer and told to terminate the pregnancy to begin treatments right away, as her only chance to live.

She rejected this idea.   So the doctors told her she would likely not live to see her child turn two.  Her beautiful daughter Emilee just turned six.

Hallelujah praise the Lord.

Jodi fights cancer daily.  She has pain she hardly talks about that makes me want to smack myself in the face when I think I have something to complain about.  She doesn’t know how  much longer she has but she lives each day to its fullest.  She tries to do things that she doesn’t think she is good at like arts and crafts to make Emilee’s birthday special.  And what I really love – I love it all – but what I really super dig, is how hard she works out and eats healthy and RUNS.  She runs her brains off.

She just finished her first marathon!!  And not just that, she ran a 5k and a half and the marathon in 3 days – because why not?!!

Sadly – insurance doenst pay all the bills.  She has lost her home and has even sold her furniture.   I don’t want to embarrass her – she never complains – but I want to help her and her family in any way possible.

In 34 days I will run for 24 hours straight.  I will NOT stop.  And during this time, you can run with me, wherever you are, for any distance you chose, and you’ll get a beautiful medal I designed  after Jodi (it’s a cupcake with stars) 😉

If you don’t want to run, or walk – you can just donate.  If everyone would just give a little bit, it will all add up, and hopefully help a fellow sister, mom, runner.

Thank you


Donate here:


Here is Jodi…


Here is the medal…

cupcake medal


just another day at the office ;-)

I showed up to the customer location dressed impeccably.  It was an important meeting, and I was ready for it.  There was an issue with my clearance so people were running around trying to figure out what we would do next, and then the person I was there to meet walked in.  We made small talk and the subject of running came up.  I told him I’d be running my first 24-Hour-Ultra on a nearby trail.  He asked if I had my running gear with me.  Of course I do.  “I know the trail, lets go” – everyone else looked on.

So just like that, we went running.  Seven miles.  The meeting that was to be, never was – and there we were.  On a trail, alongside a creek, going up and down hills covered in mudd.

It was f’n awesome.  We had a better conversation than we had when I met him three years ago in a conference room.  It was pretty much the best meeting Ive ever had, on so many levels.

I am thankful I didn’t wipe out 😉

When I got home, I was still in my running gear, so – my husband, youngest son, and doggie and I ran a mile out back  (I couldn’t catch any of them).  My little guy earned his Mardi Gras Madness 1-Miler medal that I’d ordered for him.  He was so proud.

boys trail

Fantastic day.  Almost 90 miles for the month, 325 for the yr.  5 weeks until the 24-Hour-Ultra 😉


in & out

A talk about nutrition.

I use tera’s whey protein powder because it is not only clean and organic, it is rBGH free (did you know much of the milk products available are sourced from cows pumped with growth hormones).

Even if I use a flavored powder, rather than plain (I use both) it is flavored naturally.  Each flavor has a total of 4 or 5 ingredients, all of which I can pronounce and identify.  That’s how I like my food.  Lean, clean, non-modified & gluten-free.

As far as supplements go, I have had my intake analyzed by a holistic nutritionist.  When I lack in zinc or D, or some other element, he lets me know.  I try to correct these areas with my diet, but I have supplements available and he has helped me notice how I feel when I am deficient somewhere.

I know that amino acids pump me up.  I know that omega-3 sharpen me.  There are tea extracts that supposedly encourage weight loss but anyone that has followed me knows nothing works for me there.

My daily intake looks a little something like this (a few typical options shown depending on the day):

Breakfast Lara bar & espresso Gluten free toast w natural peanutbutter Turkey bacon & egg omlette
Lunch Plain turkey wrap on corn tortilla w lettuce Salad w chicken and blueberries w balsamic vinegrette or plain Leftovers (see dinners)
Dinner Turkey  meatloaf w veggies Roasted chicken w/ veggies and brown rice Baked cod w mashed potatoes & veggies
Snacks (I eat every couple hrs) Pistachios (my sodium downfall) Unbuttered popcorn (but I put sprinkle cheese on it, which is not clean) Greek yogurt w flax seeds or gf granola
Pre/post-workout Bolthouse protein blends A tera’s whey smoothie w bananas & almonds (plus spinach or carrots or blueberries) Larabar or luna bar


Lots of espresso (with almond milk and/or coconut oil) and tons of water (I don’t even track it anymore, it is a TON).

I guess I average 1800 to 2000 calories – but I really don’t count.  At least twice per week I burn more than that in a day and for all I know I’m not eating enough.  Don’t get me wrong though, I never go hungry, I have an insatiable appetite, I eat every couple hours and if I have a downfall, it is that I eat large amounts of food.]

The absolute worst things I eat – fairly frequently, are – when we go out to eat, sometimes I get the spinach-artichoke dip (and I destroy it), and, sometimes when running around between work and practices etc, I’ll swing the kids to tacobell (I get the cantina salad minus guac and dressing) or chic fil a (I get the market salad minus cheese).

Well there it is, all out there.  I’m not sure exactly why I plateaued quite a bit ago but I do believe it will come down to simply doing more in terms of exercise.  I know that when I had a trainer, it is a) that push for ten  more minutes in a session and b) the constant changing it up (I will tend to do the same things over and over).

NO one is perfect right – thats not the point – perfection is not a bad goal, however achievable, realistically – I do know that eating properly makes me feel better and no one will argue it makes us healthier.  When you put yourself in the athlete category, if you do – it is that much more important.

Be well my friends <3 K

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