Today I went out and got new shoes and couldn’t wait to try them out on the trail. It was like I had to spend that $100ish dollars to force myself to run. I had to right? Race is a month away, one little run wont matter but still…

I hate to write too much about my upcoming race, since I don’t even know if Im going to run it, but here it goes. If I do show up, despite that it is a conflict with an important work event, and Im in the worst shape Ive been in since I started running in Oct 2010 – my Level One Goal is to do 4 laps, which would be a full marathon. I haven’t run longer than 5k in a year, and Ive maybe only run a half dozen times.

I did just do a 6 week metabolic fitness challenge and it didn’t change my life or anything, but got me back on the right track.
My handful of excuses for the worst shape ‘of my running life’ is new job (with just as much travel and a ton more commuting etc), moving (after 9 yrs in one place, which is the longest Ive ever lived anywhere) < and 2 months later Im still not even half done, kid stuff and other stuff – whatever. No matter what life throws at us, we’re always in a position to make choices and what we do or don’t do fitness and wellness-wise, is on us. I think I can do the full – which will be a lot with zero training and my plan is one lap at a time after that. If I do one more lap, that’s ultra #11 in a little under 6 yrs. 3 more laps would be 50 miler #3, and another 2 laps would tie my distance PR for 100k – but before I start talking about how many more laps to get to a new distance PR or 75 miles etc – I know that Im not in the shape I was in two years ago when I did 100k. And, that year Id done a full and a 50k just 2 and 3 weeks prior to the 100k That would be like expecting to have done 4:20 at FlyingPig like I did at Shamrock, when I was simply no where near the same shape. What I really love about the Athletic Equation timed races is that you just go out there and race yourself. There are no cutoff points and Im not saying that makes it easier, its just a very different race dynamic. Its metaphorical of each day of our lives isn’t it? Facing ourselves, maybe our greatest opponent and ally!! Think about it. Be well Love ~k