Three weeks from today I’m running marathon #7 in the last 4.5 yrs. Four weeks later I have 50k #4 and then two weeks later I try to run at least 100k in 24hrs #2, maybe more (75 would be cool). And yet, I haven’t run longer than 10 miles since September. I have run 8-10 miles a few times, maybe once or twice a month the last few months, but really not much more than that. I do one mile with my dog, or 5k on the elliptical, but that’s all. I have been spinning a few times, for an hour at a time, pretty hard core. And Ive also done barre a few times, and really dig it. And now it is hitting me, I don’t know if I can do any of this.
I have had this kind of feeling before – but now Im just being realistic. I have been an advocate for cross training over base-mile training – but then, my track record isn’t one that really shines brightly with success. I have had injuries and different sorts of bumps along the way.
Still I am going to try all of this. The weather is definitely not cooperating to get those base miles in, and three weeks out, I cant really push it at this point anyway. Oh, and, I managed to tweak something a week or so ago in my left knee (from spinning, not running). I taped it and its ok now.
I actually did a fast 5k today and yesterday on high resistance on the elliptical and then rowed a bit. I have managed to not put back on very much of the 20 pounds I lost a few months ago (maybe 5 or so, it varies), which is helpful and encourages me.
One other barrier/challenge besides the weather is that its College Recruiting time so I am on the road quite a bit – one adventure after another – I trust Monday’s trip will be one for the storybooks, that is – if I can get out of my driveway…lots of shoveling yet to do. But anyways, I guess that is why they put gyms in hotels right – you know – just for me and my race training – right!!
Ok that’s it. If I would stop rewarding myself for my daily trips to the gym with chocolate/cheese/wine then maybe I’d lose that last couple of pounds – but, that hasn’t happened yet – so – I guess I’ll just keep on keeping on and hope for the best.
I hope to report back with some great race stories soon! Maybe even one or two PRs and a year that closes out with a big fast BQ (I just want the tattoo)!!!
Be Well All,
<3 K