So – Its time to start running. I did a full; a 40 Miler and a 100k in the last 3 months, but other than that, I haven’t been running (just biking and lifting).

So I have been on vacation for two days and ran each morning so far. I ran/walked 8.5 miles the first day and 5.5 yesterday. The first 4 yesterday I did in 35 mins, which, for me, is really fast 😉
*4 8 min miles with two 30 second walk breaks
Thanks #BurrStrength

I also turned in my requirements certification yesterday for my qualifying race and volunteer work for Grindstone 100. So its even more official now! Its like Officially Official.

8 more days of vacay including today, and I want to keep up the running each day – but I seriously dont feel like it today – but I will, here in a sec. I’d like to say Im doing great on my nutrition too, but alas – it is vacay!

Woke up late today…got coffee at our fav spot.

Today feels like a good day to hit the gym and stop drinking wine….like, seriously.

We’ll see.

On another note – I have seen a few posts lately asking folks that post athletic achievements and/or progress-selfies to be sensitive to those who may be struggling in their own journeys – and I’d like to respond.
Know that there will always be a flatter belly, or longer legs, or whatever it is that you personally feel you want to improve for yourself. For me, there will always be someone who ran further or faster. And that’s ok. Don’t let anything that anyone else did make you feel defeated or discouraged.

Five years into it I look at my brag wall of bibs and medals and it feels pompous & rude. But it is my little wall, you know. It is down in the basement, not bothering anyone. It is not poking fun and teasing. Its just there, encouraging me to push forward and never give up.

That is what we are all supposed to be doing in our little community and that is what my intent is. Its what I love about runners – when youre out there on the trail and you fall or want to give up. It is that person who leans down and picks you up. It is the Western States winner turning around 15 hrs later in his flip flops and finishing the final mile with that wonderful lady who finished with six seconds to spare.

Know that if it is 5 lbs or 50 lbs or trying to cut 45 mins off your full to BQ – The struggle is just as real for all of the above.
That is all. Gonna go lace up now.
*edit* Just did a 30 min 5k

Be well