Today’s short 1.5 mile run brought to you by comments neighbors make:

*Picture me, meandering by two teenagers running in the opposite direction*

**note** Im new to the neighborhood

“What does that tattoo mean?”

“Google it”

*Keeps running*

Along comes another runner towards me, “Oh, you dont have a shirt on” ((wtf Im in a sports bra and shorts on a hot ass July day early in the am))

(ref pic)

neighbors are dicks

“Uhm, nope”

Then I just wish I had head phones on and zone out.

FWD to the end of my short hot saunter.

30 mins of core with a tiny bit of strength (210 crunches and 60 squats)
Then 10 mins on the spin bike in cool down mode binging Louie.

Thats it. An hour. Then maybe a swim and some chores, a little bit of work-work and errands.

Day 3 of the longest period of time Ive taken off in over a yr!!

Oh and, If you’d like to participate in July Crunch Bunch challenge, benefiting Semper Fi (inspired by June’s Give a Squat where I did over 7k squats and we collectively raised over $1,500 – register below, its costs you nothing and is for a good cause and is a good motivator…

July Crunch Bunch Challenge – for SemperFi


Be Well <3 ~K