I tweeted yesterday about saying No and Delegating More. Its hard. Not just because I want things done a certain way, and maybe want the recognition or appreciation that sometimes come with doing things – but also, when you value things, you know they deserve you – and yet the you that’s left spreads thinner and thinner….coaching ~ family – friends – career – fitness/goals etc #allthethings

And so now, Im Headed Back into the swing of things – or at least getting there. I have done a few classes in the last week, and I am committed to attending a class a minimum of 4 times per week with 2 additional classes optional, depending how the week/day is going.
Tue, Thu and Sat am are Kettle (my favorite); and Sun am is Bootcamp. Theyre a blast!! Mon and Wed evenings, if I can make it, will be HIIT.

Ive trained with Joey aka Burr Strength before as a personal trainer and I am SO proud of him for having his own space now. He is fantastic.

Today during bootcamp, one of the stations for one of the sets, was a pullup. I used to be able to do one (see proof below circa 2015/2013). I am not fit/strong/thin enough at this time to do one.
When we were supposed to do situps with a medicine ball over our heads and throw it at the wall, I couldnt do that either. I mean, I could throw it, and then sit up, but not one swift motion. And I don’t like it.

Ive just been way too far off track, and this is not a new story. Its Groundhog Day. Off track then back on again. But it feels good to have a thing I can stick to now and that its so enjoyable.
When the alarm goes off super early, just like before any race, there is a moment where I consider just going back to sleep – but I NEVER do and I never regret it when Im done!

My nutrition is always a bit stricter than ‘normal’ but nowhere near as good as it could be and I Know it. I do have a lot of reasons, but no excuses.

Im only registered for one race so far for 2018, an ultra of course, and I’ll probably end up doing at least two.

Everyone has a lot of things theyre balancing, some more than others. So here’s to less coffee and wine; and more water – and at least 4 hours of hardcore training per week, sometimes 6.

This is a good jump start on what can and will be a fantastic 2018.

Raise your standards and expectations – Have intentions that make you feel good and resolve in your own favor – Do you & Be well –

Love ~K~

ps I will do a pullup soon!!

