Hello Fitness Fam,

My boss is trying to make me less instinctual/impulsive, and more process-driven – or some shit.  I get it.  Its probably a good thing to at least practice for business if I ever want to fully claim an expertise in a thing.  that doesnt mean it will become my mode of ops as much as I want to fully understand it and in my experience, the best way to learn is by fire.

By that line of thinking, not just in my professional life but in my running/fitness-life, I have become so less regimented and more sporadic than I was in the beginning, when frankly, I was better at it.

Today Im looking back at my 50k a few weeks ago and thinking about the 50 miler in a few weeks.

I want to do it so bad.

In that race, I  just did 5 laps in just under 11 hours and that is pathetic and has me questioning if I can do 8 in 13.

My first lap took 90 mins (yes a 10k should take an hour or less but if you’ve never ran on a trail you don’t know, trust me, its harder than the street).  < plus I have a legit fear of falling now, by experience and was shittily undertrained.

Anyways, if I can maintain that 90 min per lap pace for 8 loops, I’d be in at the 50 mile finish at around 12 hrs.  I did my first 50 miler in under 12 hrs, but that was almost 7 yrs ago.  I was younger, thinner, fitter.

A point to point is so different (so much harder) than a timed race, but this was has generous cut offs – maybe because it is a night race.  So perhaps I should just focus on continuing to rehab and detox and drop the  extra baggage and just do the 12 hr in Sept?  That will be very close to my 8 yr anniversary since my first marathon, the MCM.

As I look forward to doing my thirteen ultra (whichever one I chose) in less than 8 years at the age of  44, there are so many rusty warn out places on my body – Ive broken bones and gotten  stiches and tweaked the fuck out of places on my back, knees and ankles.  I just have to be sensitive to the signals my body gives me and adjust accordingly.

That said – I just did day 19 of the Beach  Body 90 Day Obsession  – granted I think Im supposed to be on Day 20 – so I guess I’ll make up for that later. I ended leg day a little early because I felt an aggravation in my sciatica, one of the aforementioned old-lady-rusty-spots as a results of trying to be something Im not and  deadlifting way too much with improper form back in Feb.

And that convoluted diatribe is the reason I’ll propably never finish my book.  Thanks  for listening and have a great day.

Be well.

Xo – K