In the ever-evolving landscape of life, I look ahead to 2024 and it has already presented me with exciting opportunities and significant changes. I’m delighted to share my experience, as it’s a year filled with engagements, new roles, and, most importantly, a sense of personal fulfillment.

Speaking Engagements

I find myself on the cusp of potentially speaking at three prominent conferences so far. These events are not only prestigious but also provide a platform to connect with like-minded individuals in our vibrant community, share knowledge, and grow both personally and professionally.

Career Track at BSidesCharm

Additionally, I’m thrilled to be taking on the role of overseeing the Career Track at BSidesCharm. This is a new challenge and an opportunity to do things a bit differently this time around. We have some surprises up our sleeves, which promise to make the event even more fulfilling. Helping with initiatives like this has always been a passion of mine, and I’m excited to take this on.

Moving On and Taking On

One of the most significant recent changes is my retirement from the Car Hacking Village after dedicating nine years to the cause from establishment and first sponsor and original logo, to themes, parties, swag, volunteers and more. I established relationships during that decade that I now consider family and I treasure them forever. However, change often brings new opportunities, so I’ve taken on a new role as a board member at ICS Village, which promises to be a fresh and exciting ride.

A Shift in Career Focus

In recent times, I’ve transitioned from my role as the NSP recruiting director to a new position as the Talent Engagement Lead at AFS. This change has led to many people asking me whether I miss running recruiting. The truth is, I don’t. It’s not easy to witness some things from afar, and to miss people – however, I’ve come to realize that I’ve always been a multi-faceted professional and that letting go is strengthening and change is necessary. While I was directing a department, managing a team, and handling complex recruiting tasks, I was simultaneously engaged in various other activities, such as organizing events, mentoring, and speaking engagements. Now I get to just do the later, and do it with more focus.

Reflecting on My Career

This shift in my career has given me a moment to reflect. I’ve consistently juggled multiple responsibilities throughout my professional journey. Whether it was running events, planning & designing social content, volunteering, serving on boards, or presenting at conferences – I was always actively dedicated in this area. However, was previously doing so while simultaneously balancing managing recruitment, crafting and improving processes, strategizing campaigns, and continually providing detailed statistical reports to executive leadership. And the realization that I have the opportunity to ‘just’ focus on the things I’m passionate about is a remarkable revelation. *Turns out its a fulltime job* πŸ™‚

A Fulfilling Change

So, do I want to go back to [running recruiting] someday? Perhaps. There may be a day when I feel the itch to start from scratch at a small organization or revamp a larger one ((I really do like identifying broken things and fixing them)). I’ve had experience successfully doing both, and I know how to handle it. But for now, I find immense satisfaction and enjoyment in what I do. It’s far less stressful, allowing me to invest more of myself into my endeavors, and truly take better care of myself personally too.

Grateful for the Journey

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be in this position. As I take on new challenges and explore exciting opportunities in 2024, I can’t help but be grateful for the journey that has brought me here – and all the people who helped along the way (even the ones who made it harder)! It’s a reminder that embracing change, even when it means letting go of certain things, can open the door to personal growth and contentment.

A Message for You

Lastly, I’d like to leave you with a thought. If you’re wondering whether you’re in the right place in your career, remember that change is not only natural but often essential for personal and professional growth. Seek opportunities where you can make an impact, be valued, and lead a life with less stress. I hope my journey going into 2024 inspires you to embrace change and find your own path to fulfillment.

I challenge you to do something new and scary. Its worth it.