Today’s #workout (so far) –
105 squats, 30 lunges, 48 weighted high knee box steps, 20 of each: deadlifts with tri rows, bicep curls, overhead presses, resistance band rows, lawnmowers, situps, kettle swings and weighted mason twists
In 25 mins
I started #DailyBurn end of Nov
I started *carb-cycling beginning of Jan
I’m down 9 lbs and more importantly, 6.5 inches (chest, hips, waist).
Im trying not to be obsessed with the scale – as strength and overall wellness is more important. For a good stretch of time I was quite sick, with lots of work and stress and travel etc.
My goal is to work out daily. Im happier when I do ((Note: I haven’t ran longer than a mile in six months and have 3 big races occurring in a period of 30 days in less than 2 months))!!
Life gets in the way though right? I work, I travel – have kids and a dog and a house. Some days are better than others. Im very blessed to be able to work from home most of the time. I can workout most days.
*For more on what is carb-cycling, I’d refer you to a few great sites, including #Livestrong, where they really get into the science of how your body responds to carbs in terms of producing hormones like serotonin and insulin, and how this effects hunger, metabolism and fat-storage, as well as fuel distribution. It is not about carb avoidance all around, it is about proper cycling (days of No, Low & High carbs) AND I remain clean and gluten free. Its not just carbs and calories, or for that matter quantity as much as quality. Eat REAL food. Balance protein and good-fat. Its much easier than it sounds. I am not lacking or craving anything.
ps I plan to PR some stuff this year….maybe #BQ, maybe 75 miles, maybe 100 – the sky’s the limit.
Anyways – I share cuz I care – and it keeps me accountable. Stay on the right road my friends – and if you sway, fret not, we’re all human, just step back over where you belong and move forward – One Step at a Time!!
Be Well
<3 K *progressprogress*