The weather was perfect.  Despite the usual lack of sleep or nutrition, I felt fine.

Finishing up loop 1 I said out loud, That was easy.  I loved the time to myself.  The time w my thoughts.

I wasnt in pain or tired.  Same after loop two.  I was good.  Training?  I thought, Who needs training 😉

There was a funny moment at aid where I asked for scissors so I could cut my pants into shorts.  A nurse helped me, after she noticed I cut myself (Im clumsy and my hands were swollen).

Approaching the 20 mile mark of loop 3, I was coming up to my favorite part of this course, the rocky ridge at the rivers edge.  Was almost done and ready to meet up with my friend who was going to pace me thru the last two loops, I got bit

FUCK – I screamed.   It hurt.

I couldnt see whatever it was, but I slapped it.   And it fucking bit me again.  I just ran.

Since whatever it was bit me twice, it wasn’t a bee, and there was no stinger.  It was probably a wasp.  A nasty, angry wasp who didn’t mind the smell and taste of insect repellent.  Swelling and dizziness and itchy hives ensued.   My head was spinning and I felt like I had bugs all over me.   And I knew my race was over.  Only ~6 hours into it, I was done.

That was 6 hours ago.  I still itch and have markings all over my chest and stomach (though I was bit  on my shoulder and shin).  The only reason this makes me happy is that if I was going to be haunted by regret over if I’d over reacted and should have kept going, and I will, be haunted – at least I know that anaphylaxis is no joke and I really couldn’t  run anymore.

**though a weird dark version of me has always thought if I could pick where I die it would be on the trail**

Anyways, I knew it was a more serious reaction  than just the bite site, when the itching was everywhere.  I knew I needed benadryl and I knew the amount I needed  would knock me out.

So I  cut off my chip, on this beautiful cool fall day, when I felt strong and pain free, was making great time,  and was about to be paced by a super cool chic.

Those the the breaks I guess.

Time to register for the next one.