If I can ruck 30 miles  (almost a 50k) with a 20 lbs backpack, in sandals, with no training, 20 lbs overweight, without properly dressing, packing or eating – I CAN GET BACK ON THE ULTRA TRAIL AND KILL IT.

And I think my son learned/proved, that he is an ultra runner too – and – it’s time for us to start training and registering for races.

It’s a mental thing more than anything.

We’d ((I’d mostly)) be like, Fuck this I’m done – Then Will would turn on an Army cadence or a podcast clip from David Goggins (the baddest mother fucker alive) and we would legit start running hard – like 9 min miles out of no where.  And we’d look up at maybe a power tower or a group of people (moving targets suck) or some other landmark and one of us would call out the mark and we would haul ass.

Blisters, sciatica, the friction on my shoulders from the rucksack, because I stupidly wore a tank….none of it mattered when we did those bursts.

It actually hurt more when we were walking than it did on the uphill trecks or running bursts.  If my lungs weren’t struggling, my body would not have stopped.

So now we know – Athletic Equation Adventure Trail Series, here we come!!!