7 miles for the first two days of April.   Right inline w/ my plan.  Oh, here is my plan for this month.  I have just over 30 days until the big race.

I will do at least 180 miles this month – 5k/day M-F and a minimum of 15 Sat & Sun.   I’m so excited.  I envision myself doing lots more timed ultras

But that’s not enough.  I had a little chat with myself today.  I decided I need to spend more time on my core.  I cant just base-miles my way into this race.  Miles are important but theyre not enough.  So I promised myself to incorporate a good amount of strength & core into my daily routine (maybe minus my long run days).

Running takes more than just legs.  You use your stomach and your arms – when they are strong, you are strong – and fast – and with strength comes endurance.

So that’s it.  Im not going to beat myself up for what I should have done and didn’t do, I’m just moving forward ~ One Step at a Time

Here is a peak at today’s fun run on the trail w/ Steve:

running walking dead

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