Does anyone else feel like it’s all a competition?  How we look, how we spend our time and where and with whom? What we do with our money and how  much we [appear to] have.

To look a certain way or accomplish things?  Our homes, our jobs, our cars, kids, even our social posts and how they reflect what we’re doing and where we are going.

A lot of it is just perception and what we are focusing on from one minute to another will determine which of the many things we are trying to measure up on gets the most effort, but – its constant.

It never stops.

Did you vote?  For whom?  What issue are you valiantly supporting why you exercise that power you have?

How do you justify it’s importance? If you care about someone’s right to get married or a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body, does that mean you don’t care about how much of a paycheck someone deserves for their hard work or their right to own a gun to protect themselves?

Everyone is judging you.  Everyone has an opinion on your opinion.  Everyone.

Hell, even when you speak at work or about work, everyone who sees it or hears it is ready to tell you if you even deserve your spot on the proverbial table, regardless of your contributions or expertise.

And that feeling they now refer to as Imposture Syndrome, may very well be because right after you do or say anything, there’s a chance you’ll be corrected and condemned for it by the masses.

All of this to say, maybe, just maybe, if we were less impulsive and more slow to action – even if that only means counting in our heads before we talk or type, that little bit of extra care and discipline would help us be easier on everyone around us – and ourselves.