Last year I had RnR DC Full, ATR24 and Northface 50k lined up back to back, to officially get #MarathonManiac status. I completed the first two, but it didnt work out with my DNF ala Knee Injury via fall at NorthFace. So, Im trying again.

Today I finished the first of the three at full #7, where I didnt PR or even make my goal, but at least I feel fine afterwards and I did a sub 5. The schedules for the ATR24 and NF50k are actually swip-swapped this year, which is ideal, because, so long as I dont fall and wreck myself, I can use the 50k as a training run for the 24, which I plan to accomplish at least 100k, if not 75 miles – rather than the 50 miles I did last year.


It rained on us the entire time today, there were tons of puddles, including mudd, and the course just gets worse and worse every year with some strategic placement of every possible hill in the city of DC, but always up, and never down…why the hell could we not have been doing in the other direction!!?

I didnt come home to a card or flowers – but I did get wine, chocolate and best of all, pizza πŸ˜‰
Oh, and Epsom salt for a bath later!! (oh and he went to the grocery store for me so double win)
Even though I knew good and well he couldnt come today, as he had too much going on with the kids etc, part of me is always looking for him – its a personality flaw. I will notice family members and significant others and the efforts they go though to show their love. He has probably come to half my races, at least half of the big ones, and he has done some pretty thoughtful things to be supportive – so I cant take that away.
I also look at all the supporters, I always do and try to say thanks but today I really felt so blessed by them all, both the staff and spectators and Im thankful for them – they are the best part of the race.

I prefer a trail over a street race any day but that one piece, the cheering fans and their funny signs and things they do, is missing on the trail. In cities sometimes the residents sit on their porches with music or they serve coffee and/or beer etc – it is so cute and nice. Some of today’s highlights included, the Presidents from the National’s Stadium, a guy in bunny pjs, an amazing drumming band under a bridge (what an unmatchable sound they made), the Incredibles Guy who always has great music; and lots of great bands, and lots of clever Pi related signs today (3/14/15).

I will say in closing that all DC races suck logistically and are so enjoyable in terms of finding our car or getting out of the darn city, whether youre braving the roads or the metro, that I always tell myself I’ll never do it again – and yet, I do.

When this series is over, I will have the entire summer to switch from ultra-mode to speed-mode in hopes of closing out the year with a BQ at my final 2015 race, a full in NY in October. I’d like to be as far-reaching with my personal and spiritual goals as I am with my running-goals in hoping to be so comfortable and confident with myself that I come to a peaceful resolution in my ability to react to things that are out of my control AND make what might be a huge career change as well.

We will see…