We are all naturally self-interested.  I particularly demand success from myself at the exceptional level.  I notice a new generation of our youth so enabled, disabled and entitled.  I am part of the creation of this new breed of youth, described lovingly by our first-lady as knuckleheads.   People are mad at her but sadly I agree.

I want to let them go play outside but I cant (for fear for their safety), I want to leave them at home alone but I shouldn’t (because they’ll blow something up).  It doesnt matter that much younger than them I could come home alone after school, WALK from the busstop, cook my dinner and do my homework….  I had a house and a husband and a kid at 25, and now 25 yr olds can be on their parents health-insurance.  The world is different.

How do I demand the same level of accountability and achievement from my children?  How do I make them want and try and care?

And as I sit here and analyze a lifetime of passion to do great things – things that make me feel good, I examine my endeavors.  Would I be just as happy to do good deeds if it didn’t bring me the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction?  This is a debate as old as time, Are all good deeds inherently selfish?

From acts of heroism to picking up litter off the ground, you either get off on it or you don’t.  I do.

Just like a runners’ high, which although somewhat chemical, it is also a physiological.   I think the key is to find your thing, be faithful in your ability to accomplish it and defeat any forms of doubt that attempt to stand in your way – not just the voices on the street, but the ones in your head too.

I keep thinking what I’m attempting cant be done.  The 24-Hours of running & the raising of $ for my cause – AND later down the road, really helping to change the way people live and care for themselves.   I don’t want to fail – but what does that even mean?

When God appeared to Moses in a burning bush – Moses doubted himself.  He heard God’s assignment to him and it not only sounded outrageous, he explained to God why he was NOT qualified for the job.

Who is Moses to question what God has called him to do?  And what better crew chief could Moses ask for than God.

And guess what, if the latest form of doubt/resistance I face is the questioning of my intent, I reject this.   I’ve got this!!!!

I am happy to find a way to weave meaning into my purpose and if that joy is selfish, so be it (amen).  I wish for everyone to have the same – especially my boys.  Hear your calling and follow.

luv K