Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

Tag: training (Page 2 of 2)

First Training Session on the road to Boston

Spring 2k15 racing season has come to a successful close with a decent full, a decent 50k and my first 100k – I feel pretty good about how it all turned out.
Today was the first training session in pursuit of BQ.
It was good. I did 16 – 200 meter sprints (and 16 jog backs).
The goal was 72 seconds per sprint. I averaged around a minute and change with my best time 47 seconds (6 min/mile) and my worst 1:07 (closer to 8.5).
I finished strong with .55 after 12 at or slight above one minute (6 at sub 60).
Eventually Joey will teach me how to do pace cycles and that will be the key in Oct in NY. He said we’re not ready for that yet though, we’re getting a feel for my speed capability – and who knows when Ive been all about the ultra for a few years now.
I am confident that if qualifying for Boston is a possibility for me, I’m going to do it w this guy training me – and not because he’s cute – because he doesn’t mess around (I only told him a hate him once or twice).
If youre looking for a trainer and live in the NoVA area, this guy is the bomb.
GREAT session!!!
Weekly training =
1 hr spin X 3
1 hr personal trainer (whatever he tells me to do)
On the off days – do whatever I want to include walk, jog, weights, core and bike for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes or up to a few hrs if I have the time for the trail.
Hope everyone’s doing awesome.
Xo – be well,
joe training

2015 – Lets do this.

I have written this post a few times…..
2014 SUCKED – hard. Listing it all out is pointless.
That’s ok. Do I have a ton of regrets? Sure. Do I have left over pain and confusion? A little.
However ~ I have an overwhelmingly strong surge of motivation and positive vibes in me!
This 40th year of my life was filled with things I’d never imagined that might cause some people to roll over and you know what – I almost did. But screw that.
Im closing out this shitastic year having recently lost approx 15 lbs.
Im currently registered for three races with at least three others on the docket. I am looking forward to a PR or two and redemption for my nasty, bloody DNF last year.
There is a thing – a challenge if you will, in the next few wks – it seems complicated but if you really spin it around, its quite simple. Its on me. Whatever happens, I wouldnt want to influence it if I could, thats not what I want. You have to know what you can control and what you cant and if you want to dig into what might be your motivation or purpose, figuring that out is for you – but don’t try to understand anyone else.
And moreover, know that you have been promised that God will grant your every heart’s desire – if you fear Him. That means if your desires are righteous and not of a sinful nature, they shall be granted. This takes trust and faith. Ref Psalm 147:11 and Matthew 6:33
Its easy to trust in a plan you understand, it’s a greater test of your strength to believe in a plan that not only doesn’t make sense, it hurts deeply.
Its ok. I got this.
I got 2015.
1 half, 2 fulls, a 50k and a 24Hr Trail. I will PR, I will BQ and I will not get hurt.
My marriage is in God’s hands, as are my children. I am blessed beyond words.

One Step at a Time

In less than 3 wks Im attempting to run a half marathon.   This will be my first race since my dnf if June as a result of the ‘Knee Wrecking Fall’ (do not scroll all the way to the end of that post if you have a weak stomach).

Before my first @BadToTheBone ultra I fell down a mountain and broke my stupid hand.  This caused me to have a fear of falling when running down hill that it took me a while to get over.

Now I am there again – running reluctantly.  This knee thing sucks.

The flesh is literally not completely healed and it happened at the beginning of June.  The problem is there is still debris trying to get out, and so, I still have a little yucky spot that isn’t all the way healed.

ANYWAY – I haven’t been training really.  I have a 12 hour schedule for this month as well – and also a 5k where I’ll be pushing a stroller w/ a ‘Captain’.  I will do the 5k but lets face it, I’m in no position to take on another ultra – I don’t  even know if I’ll finish the half – and that is not something I ever thought I’d hear myself say.  Regular Me can do a couple halfs per wk on a weekly basis – but yeah, I don’t know if I’ll be up for this, so I’m going into it just for fun.  My PR is 2 hrs and Im hoping to around 3ish.

I haven’t been posting much or writing much because there are still so many things unresolved I have been waiting for answers before I check in.

If you remember when I was sick during my marathon in March, and thought it was salmonella – then it didn’t go away so we tested for everything from parasites, vitamin deficiency, anemia, infections, Lyme, rhabdomyolosis…..it all came back negative/normal….

But I am still sick.  Im as sick at I was mid-way through that marathon.

Im having a bunch of tests done next week to include upper endoscopy, biopsies etc – we’re looking for quite a few things and as long as theyre doing this most invasive stuff…they  have me doing a gluten challenge after 11 yrs of being gluten free.


At least I know this – I know that no matter what the tests say – I know that gluten makes me feel terrible – so, I’ll be going gluten free again when this is all over.

I will continue to eat clean, lean and gluten free forever.  And I’m open to keep making adjustments here and there in search of what is best for me (and my family).  There is so much to think about and learn about.

Im sharing this just in case one other person has any of the same issues or ever comes across it – so I can hopefully be of some help.  I’ll keep ya’ll posted.  Procedures are Tues am.

I decided that regardless of having not yet accomplished all of the things I’d hoped to get done in my running career, I did a lot in a short time.   If they tell me I cant run anymore, I’m going to be ok.  I don’t know if I’ll listen, Im kind of an idiot like that – but maybe I will.  And its going to be ok either way.

11 half marathons, 6 full marathons, 3 50ks, 2 50 Miler and a handful of smaller races in under 5 yrs can be my story if that’s whats meant to be.   And Im over 700 miles already this yr – likely to finish w at least 1k for the yr, which will put me at 1k or more each yr for 5  yrs in a row 🙂

One of my tattoos is a pair of running shoes – if that signifies only 5 yrs of my life, that’s cool w me.  The other one simply says: Philippians 3:12 ~ Meaning:   Though I may not have yet arrive [to be who I can be or should be or was meant to be] – I press forward – never giving up.

One Step at a Time.

Be well everyone.

You found what??

First of all, I don’t share my trials for sympathy or my accomplishments for praise.  I share as part of a community that helps one another.  Certainly if I were to read something like what I’m about to tell you all, I’d keep it in mind if I were to get hurt after a race.

There isn’t a ton of information online because only 2% of people have what showed up on my xray today of my foot/ankle.  ‘Accessory Bones’, not one, or two, but three.  And that is just my right foot.  I’m sure I have it on the other side too, because this exact same thing has happened on the left.

After I ran the New Orleans marathon my left foot and ankle swelled for no reason (nothing happened).  They called it a sprain and wrapped it, told me to elevate, take anti-inflammatory and ice it.  This does not happen EVERY time I run, but it did happen this time again.   But now it was on the right side and I told myself (and others), no need to go to Dr, I have experience w this, you get a walking cast and [all the things I already mentioned].  Which is true, especially because it is on the right, so I cant drive for six wks w a hard cast.

It has been a few days and today I happened to be in town taking care of some other things, I had a bit to kill, so, I swung into urgent care for an xray – might as well, I have insurance.

This is where they tell me I have these bones in my foot and that although usually asymptomatic, if aggravated (by excessive activity for example) it can seem like a sprain (pain and swelling) and is treated the same way.

So this is new, I’ll see a specialist – maybe, in my spare time.  And we’ll see.  I’m not sure why this never showed up before or no one ever noticed or told me.  I guess my point is had I not gone for the xray today I wouldn’t know – I don’t know if it matters or I can do anything about it (I read it can be surgically removed but doubt I’ll do that when a week of rest and ice makes it all better) – but I’m glad I know.   The foot/ankle pain is what stopped me from finishing Sat/Sun, and maybe it will prevent me similar challenges in the future (as I wasn’t tired nor did I have pain anywhere else) but at least I do know had I pushed thru it I would be ok afterwards…

In other words, should I give up something I love because of something temporary?  Probably not.  Dont get me wrong, I’m always open to anything – I just wont be forced into something w out good reason.

They were wrong about rhabdo and every other thing they tested me for.  Maybe I was just stressed out and tired or maybe I had a random virus that mysteriously dosent show up in bloodwork.  I don’t know, but neither does anyone else, so unless someone can show me come concrete and tangible thing I can understand, I’m not changing my life drastically.

One Step at a Time.  Still processing.

ps I’m glad I had a friend with me today to see the xrays and hear the doctor explain it, or else I wouldnt believe it either.

just another day at the office ;-)

I showed up to the customer location dressed impeccably.  It was an important meeting, and I was ready for it.  There was an issue with my clearance so people were running around trying to figure out what we would do next, and then the person I was there to meet walked in.  We made small talk and the subject of running came up.  I told him I’d be running my first 24-Hour-Ultra on a nearby trail.  He asked if I had my running gear with me.  Of course I do.  “I know the trail, lets go” – everyone else looked on.

So just like that, we went running.  Seven miles.  The meeting that was to be, never was – and there we were.  On a trail, alongside a creek, going up and down hills covered in mudd.

It was f’n awesome.  We had a better conversation than we had when I met him three years ago in a conference room.  It was pretty much the best meeting Ive ever had, on so many levels.

I am thankful I didn’t wipe out 😉

When I got home, I was still in my running gear, so – my husband, youngest son, and doggie and I ran a mile out back  (I couldn’t catch any of them).  My little guy earned his Mardi Gras Madness 1-Miler medal that I’d ordered for him.  He was so proud.

boys trail

Fantastic day.  Almost 90 miles for the month, 325 for the yr.  5 weeks until the 24-Hour-Ultra 😉



In response to some twitter posts recently,  let me start by saying I do what works for me and feels right.  You have to do what works for you as well.  I hope that the successes and failures I share will help you, but by no means do I think there is one way to do things that will work for everyone.  We all have to do our own thing.

People often ask about what is the big differentiation in terms of training for an ultra, rather than a marathon.  There are a few things I had to learn, to include bricking, pacing-down and ‘learning to walk’, but today I’ll start with nutrition.  If youre running for 8 or more hours, you’re going to have to consume more than just a sports drink or energy gel to keep going.

While you are doing your long training runs (and hopefully you’re doing back-to-back longs, but not more than 20 miles imo) – bring food.  Try one thing at a time, so you can test how you will react to it.  This doesn’t mean that you’ll react the exact same way every time, or that the same things will always appeal to you – every run can be different – but just try one thing at a time.

Aid stations are going to have things like fruit, cookies, crackers and chips etc.  Since I am gluten free, I can not always indulge in what is being provided.  So I have to bring my own stuff, by way of drop bags, backpack and/or crew.  Examples of things I have eaten are pretzels, nut butter sandwiches, doubleshots (this is probably not good advice because coffee is a dietetic but I crave it during runs), roasted salty potatoes (omg yes); and crispy turkey bacon (don’t judge me).

I also water down sports drinks – I don’t drink them straight – they irritate me.  I water them at least half and half or even one part electrolytes and two parts water.  Salt is important – it can take cramps away, as can bananas ie potassium.  Some people like fruit and candy etc, but I usually cant stomach anything sweet.

Anyways – when youre out training for 3 or 4 hours, bring a little food.  Youll be glad on race day when you have made a habit out of eating-on-the-run.

<3 K



show offs at the gym….

4.5 mile run outside in the snow, then went to the community center with the family.  Dad and kids played basketball while I got some miles on the elliptical.  I’d rather lift weights than be on a cardio machine, but I didn’t get my miles like I wanted today, so I wanted to get at least 5.5 more.  After I did that, I couldn’t resist and made my way over to the weights.

There were mostly big giant guys and one tiny girl.  The boys were of course lifting heavy duty and the girl was twiddling around with 5 lbs dumbells.  I was doing a few of my favorite moves, chest presses, curls, deadlifts etc – one of the giant boys says “Nice job” – the tiny girl seems, I don’t know, irritated?

I officially start showing off, grabbing heavier and heavier weights.  We’re all noticing each other not looking directly at one another but by the reflections in the mirror.  I keep trying to be bad a$$.

I’m not sure the exact moment where I overdo it, but it was either the lawnmowers or something but I strained the heck out of my back.  This is the same back that has been shoveling for hours and hours lately.  I’m not hurt – but I might be having some kind of feelings tomorrow.  And – maybe I’ll take an Epsom-salt/coconut-oil bath tonight 😉

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