Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

Tag: training (Page 1 of 2)

Things I learned/re-learned/proved-to-myself yesterday/last night:

If I can ruck 30 miles  (almost a 50k) with a 20 lbs backpack, in sandals, with no training, 20 lbs overweight, without properly dressing, packing or eating – I CAN GET BACK ON THE ULTRA TRAIL AND KILL IT.

And I think my son learned/proved, that he is an ultra runner too – and – it’s time for us to start training and registering for races.

It’s a mental thing more than anything.

We’d ((I’d mostly)) be like, Fuck this I’m done – Then Will would turn on an Army cadence or a podcast clip from David Goggins (the baddest mother fucker alive) and we would legit start running hard – like 9 min miles out of no where.  And we’d look up at maybe a power tower or a group of people (moving targets suck) or some other landmark and one of us would call out the mark and we would haul ass.

Blisters, sciatica, the friction on my shoulders from the rucksack, because I stupidly wore a tank….none of it mattered when we did those bursts.

It actually hurt more when we were walking than it did on the uphill trecks or running bursts.  If my lungs weren’t struggling, my body would not have stopped.

So now we know – Athletic Equation Adventure Trail Series, here we come!!!

2018 is almost here!

I tweeted yesterday about saying No and Delegating More. Its hard. Not just because I want things done a certain way, and maybe want the recognition or appreciation that sometimes come with doing things – but also, when you value things, you know they deserve you – and yet the you that’s left spreads thinner and thinner….coaching ~ family – friends – career – fitness/goals etc #allthethings

And so now, Im Headed Back into the swing of things – or at least getting there. I have done a few classes in the last week, and I am committed to attending a class a minimum of 4 times per week with 2 additional classes optional, depending how the week/day is going.
Tue, Thu and Sat am are Kettle (my favorite); and Sun am is Bootcamp. Theyre a blast!! Mon and Wed evenings, if I can make it, will be HIIT.

Ive trained with Joey aka Burr Strength before as a personal trainer and I am SO proud of him for having his own space now. He is fantastic.

Today during bootcamp, one of the stations for one of the sets, was a pullup. I used to be able to do one (see proof below circa 2015/2013). I am not fit/strong/thin enough at this time to do one.
When we were supposed to do situps with a medicine ball over our heads and throw it at the wall, I couldnt do that either. I mean, I could throw it, and then sit up, but not one swift motion. And I don’t like it.

Ive just been way too far off track, and this is not a new story. Its Groundhog Day. Off track then back on again. But it feels good to have a thing I can stick to now and that its so enjoyable.
When the alarm goes off super early, just like before any race, there is a moment where I consider just going back to sleep – but I NEVER do and I never regret it when Im done!

My nutrition is always a bit stricter than ‘normal’ but nowhere near as good as it could be and I Know it. I do have a lot of reasons, but no excuses.

Im only registered for one race so far for 2018, an ultra of course, and I’ll probably end up doing at least two.

Everyone has a lot of things theyre balancing, some more than others. So here’s to less coffee and wine; and more water – and at least 4 hours of hardcore training per week, sometimes 6.

This is a good jump start on what can and will be a fantastic 2018.

Raise your standards and expectations – Have intentions that make you feel good and resolve in your own favor – Do you & Be well –

Love ~K~

ps I will do a pullup soon!!



a month away

Today I went out and got new shoes and couldn’t wait to try them out on the trail. It was like I had to spend that $100ish dollars to force myself to run. I had to right? Race is a month away, one little run wont matter but still…

I hate to write too much about my upcoming race, since I don’t even know if Im going to run it, but here it goes. If I do show up, despite that it is a conflict with an important work event, and Im in the worst shape Ive been in since I started running in Oct 2010 – my Level One Goal is to do 4 laps, which would be a full marathon. I haven’t run longer than 5k in a year, and Ive maybe only run a half dozen times.

I did just do a 6 week metabolic fitness challenge and it didn’t change my life or anything, but got me back on the right track.
My handful of excuses for the worst shape ‘of my running life’ is new job (with just as much travel and a ton more commuting etc), moving (after 9 yrs in one place, which is the longest Ive ever lived anywhere) < and 2 months later Im still not even half done, kid stuff and other stuff – whatever. No matter what life throws at us, we’re always in a position to make choices and what we do or don’t do fitness and wellness-wise, is on us. I think I can do the full – which will be a lot with zero training and my plan is one lap at a time after that. If I do one more lap, that’s ultra #11 in a little under 6 yrs. 3 more laps would be 50 miler #3, and another 2 laps would tie my distance PR for 100k – but before I start talking about how many more laps to get to a new distance PR or 75 miles etc – I know that Im not in the shape I was in two years ago when I did 100k. And, that year Id done a full and a 50k just 2 and 3 weeks prior to the 100k That would be like expecting to have done 4:20 at FlyingPig like I did at Shamrock, when I was simply no where near the same shape. What I really love about the Athletic Equation timed races is that you just go out there and race yourself. There are no cutoff points and Im not saying that makes it easier, its just a very different race dynamic. Its metaphorical of each day of our lives isn’t it? Facing ourselves, maybe our greatest opponent and ally!! Think about it. Be well Love ~k

Keeping it really real

Its an on-again, off-again journey < harder for some that others. For me, registering for races isnt just a motivator, its about the greatest feeling of all, the finish line. This last iteration of off-the-wagon was a combination of starting a new job, increasing my commute, moving, and a series of other crap that just took a priority over my fitness.

I entered a 6 week challenge 6 wks ago to kick my a$$ back on track.

Ive been lifting a lot but not spending much time doing cardio. I happen to know that you CAN cardio your way thin. Too thin even. My first full marathon, Oct 2010, I was gross skinny. My next marathon, 5 months later, was the best shape of my life, 10 lbs heavier, all muscle. Ive run 8 total fulls but never that fast again. It was also the year I PRd 50k and 50 Miles. None of my fulls or (10) ultras since have I done so well. But Im searching for a different kind of PR this year…and its going to be more about my mental stamina than anything!!

Anyways, adding muscle to a frame that isnt carrying fat is easy. I said it. Its fucking easy.
I have fat to lose now, so I cant just keep lifting. I need more time on my feet to build the endurance to spend 24 hours moving on a trail. Pretty basic stuff.

Ive been mixing spin, running (I just started back up) and lifting (HIITS). Today I followed a sprint video and there were only ten 30 second sprints but phwew, I was feelin’ it!!

Lifting is definitely my favorite of the three types of activities but I know theyre all important. As a side note, my new house has a pool, so no more excuses to not swim. I cant wait to open it and start training – for my first Iron Man. But I digress….first I need to do my next ultra, in exactly 2 months!!!

So I close with a horrifying before-after pic (wine belly).

before and after

Be well my friends,



rolling along…

Today’s #workout (so far) –
105 squats, 30 lunges, 48 weighted high knee box steps, 20 of each: deadlifts with tri rows, bicep curls, overhead presses, resistance band rows, lawnmowers, situps, kettle swings and weighted mason twists
In 25 mins
I started #DailyBurn end of Nov
I started *carb-cycling beginning of Jan
I’m down 9 lbs and more importantly, 6.5 inches (chest, hips, waist).
Im trying not to be obsessed with the scale – as strength and overall wellness is more important. For a good stretch of time I was quite sick, with lots of work and stress and travel etc.
My goal is to work out daily. Im happier when I do ((Note: I haven’t ran longer than a mile in six months and have 3 big races occurring in a period of 30 days in less than 2 months))!!
Life gets in the way though right? I work, I travel – have kids and a dog and a house. Some days are better than others. Im very blessed to be able to work from home most of the time. I can workout most days.
*For more on what is carb-cycling, I’d refer you to a few great sites, including #Livestrong, where they really get into the science of how your body responds to carbs in terms of producing hormones like serotonin and insulin, and how this effects hunger, metabolism and fat-storage, as well as fuel distribution. It is not about carb avoidance all around, it is about proper cycling (days of No, Low & High carbs) AND I remain clean and gluten free. Its not just carbs and calories, or for that matter quantity as much as quality. Eat REAL food. Balance protein and good-fat. Its much easier than it sounds. I am not lacking or craving anything.
ps I plan to PR some stuff this year….maybe #BQ, maybe 75 miles, maybe 100 – the sky’s the limit.
Anyways – I share cuz I care – and it keeps me accountable. Stay on the right road my friends – and if you sway, fret not, we’re all human, just step back over where you belong and move forward – One Step at a Time!!
Be Well
<3 K *progressprogress*

Same ;)

Yes, all of us are unique individuals. I had a person tell me last week that surfing for however many hours equates to 25 miles of swimming which by effort on a mile to mile ratio is the same as running 100 miles. Ive never surfed an inch, I wouldnt know.
Ive also seen and heard, I don’t know how many times – the question asked, what’s harder, a century ride or an IronMan or a 50 Mile run etc.
Yo. Really. I don’t know. I suppose we’d all like to think whatever we’ve done is the hardest. Was your run assisted or unassisted etc? Its all debatable.
I know that I’d rather be sitting on a bicycle seat on a down-hill, with no more effort that the wind in my face than running down that sucker. And actually, I can run past people on bikes on the hills where I live. So, there’s that.
They say a mile is a mile. I get it. It is said to encourage the slower runner. I should’ve prefaced to say, I am one of those slower runners. And I can tell you – at least for me – a mile is not a mile. An 8 minute miles is a hell of a lot harder *for me* than a 12. I actually have been more worn out crushing a 5k than meandering a 50k. Depends on the day.
A flat mile is a lot easier than a steep incline. The road and the track and the trail are all very different. So no, a mile is not a mile in running. Going all out on a flat, lit, short loop for 24 hours might be just as ‘hard’ as holding back on a crazy technical mountain single track trail for 30 hours – I don’t know – I have yet to do either – I actually imagine that would be mentally horrific – but I know what Ive done and as much as I don’t mean to discourage anything that anyone else does –Im here to tell you – it is NOT the same.
But here is what IS the same. Doing and trying. Do it. Try. Or else all the pontificating in the world equates to a big fat zero. Get your butts out there, every day – and DO something.
Be well all my friends

cinque anni

As anyone who has talked to me recently probably already knows – October 30 is the 5 Year Anniversary of my first marathon aka “marathon-versary”. And in just a few days – less than a week, I am attempting my first 100 Miler.

It will be my 40th race, and 9th ultra.
Oh, how my life has changed so much! Ive added so many new and wonderful people to my life. Ive learned so much about who I am, and what Im capable of.

During this journey so far, starting with training for my first full, five years ago – I have been in so many different places, in terms of fitness and training. There were races that I ran EVERY day for. I remember following plans to a T. I remember between work trips or my kids’ basketball, football and lacrosse games, I would use those periods of time to hit the trail – I always had my shoes and gear on me or near me. Football practices were 6 nights per week, so why not run around the practice field the whole time? People in the community just came to know me as a stinky person.

That’s what I did.

Ive been injured to the point of completely incapacitated. Ive had a pulled back and a ripped open knee. Ive been just plain old lazy and my weight has ranged up and down in a 30 pound window!!

For me personally – Ive over trained. I dislocated a toe (that is still not connected to my foot) doing incessant hill-repeats for hours. And I’ve under-trained, driving hours away to a race where I found myself barely able to walk anymore, nevermind run! What a lesson!!

When you don’t listen to your trainer about how to fall (roll into it) not only do you break your hand – sometimes you end up with enough rocks in your knee (and left over flesh on the trail) that your ass is stuck on crutches for

Every step of the journey is a learning experience. Ive had to learn about what nutrition works by trial and
error. Ive learned about shoes, socks, jackets, lights, hats, bottles and gloves – and every kind of gear you can imagine. What treatments are effective? Do I want a collagen injection for tarsal tunnel? Do I need KT Tape? Are compression socks going to help me? How much fluid do I really need?

And all of this has to be learned by experience. Since each of us is different, no two stories will ever be alike.

When people ask me what to do – I try to always tell them what worked for me with the caveat that all advice is a nothing more than guideline that they have to adjust to work for themselves by listening to their own bodies.

Please know this, no matter who you are, what youre attempting and how you’ve prepared for it – there’s no telling what race day has in store for you. Whether you are doing something you’ve done before or something brand new – there are many factors that all work together to determine the outcome – positive or negative. There’s weather and nutrition – there’s every aspect of your health, to include a bonus element if youre female – theres unexpected mishaps like falling or getting lost (hey, it happens).

This isn’t just a running thing or an ultra-running things. This is a life thing. You do your best and you hope for the best but there is always the unknown, no matter how unlikely, even if its only an iota of a percent of a chance for things to turn out in the unlikely way possible – you cant control anything – other than your will.

Be well and move forward.
<3 ~K~

here we go

Well, this is it. I have three business trips and three races in the next three weeks.
Not different than any other autumn but they are big races, and important trips (and a bunch of other stuff).

My overall attitude for the 12 hour in a couple days is that Im more than satisfied with 50k, which is a million percent achievable, and will be my 3rd ultra in less than 6 months. If I finish with miles greater than that, its just a bonus. Likely I’ll do more but Ive given myself permission to be satisfied regardless, viewing it as a training run. I’ll just enjoy the experience (it’s a great course and amazing crew) and avoid injury – as my first
100 miler is just two weeks later!!!

I am also pretty relaxed when it comes to said 100 miler and here’s why.
My mantra is I’d rather DNF than DNS. Last year 55 people out of 262 did not finish, that’s almost a fifth of the runners (17 didn’t start).

That means, Yes Im going to attempt it, and Im going to find out what Im capable of. Not what Im capable of forever and always, but in that specific moment. And it might be more or less than what Ive done before but Ive never done this course before and it is a significantly difficult course – no one can argue that.

So it is an adventure. A journey. Something I cannot predict the outcome of. It is very exciting.
Ive run 50k on a trail in 7 hours before – and guess what – it took me that long to do 20 miles on this course. Its brutal but lovely and fun.

My dream. Well, my dream specific to this race – is – that I finish of course. Im even cool with last place. I just want to make all the cutoffs and not get DQ’d, but I know that that is not unlikely (note aforementioned stat).
I am not letting myself off the hook here, Im fully hooked. I have just been going over and over this in my head lately, usually while riding my bike and I really am ok with just figuring out just what I can do – and then using that as a point to play off of in the future.

I have definitely shifted from wanting to BQ, to wanting a Western States Qualification.

I am an Ultra Runner. Lets go.

pretty sure Im doing it

So the skinny on the training run I keep talking about goes like this.
I finished dead last. Yes I know its not a race, it’s a training run.
My excuses range from, I haven’t been training that hard, I didn’t sleep or eat properly beforehand and didn’t eat one bit that day – I also didn’t drink much and didn’t pee for over 9 hrs (déjà vu).

AND my fear of falling, mixed with this being the hardest terrain I have ever been on.
(more technical than NorthFace and JFK and BTTB and ATR combined)
It wasn’t even so much the elevation that killed me – it really wasn’t – it was the terrain and my lack of grace.

I have a 12 Hour race in a couple weeks and a half the following week. I have tweaks here and there but am otherwise uninjured and feeling good. I want to keep it that way and a training run is not the place to wipe out (like I have in the past). If youre going to break something or gash something open, do it on race day.

A stick that I picked up along the way that was my savoir I cant tell you how many times. I am a klutz in the best of circumstances, never mind on a loose rock incline or decline with trunks and stumps and vines galore. That stick was my friend and I brought it home 😉

My phone says I only ran one of the 7 hours out there – that’s sad but hey, to meet all the hard race day cut offs you have to maintain a 22 min/mile, which, is a fast walk.

Im sure I can make the ultimate cut off – hell if I had to bet on it, Im sure I can keep going for days nonstop – that isn’t the point tho – can I make the cut offs along the way though? Im not sure. I cant realistically say that I can. Not after Sunday.
I’ll say this though, I was telling myself over and over again throughout the day (I was alone the majority of the time) that I did NOT want to do this again – nevermind times five – but the moment I reached the end – and the director and a few other people cheered and called my name (someone cheered at every checkpoint for me) I was like IM GOING TO DO IT – HELL YES.

“What hurts?” they asked me. “Nothing, just my pride” And really, I wasn’t tired or hurt. And I’m only slightly sore now. I can do this.
Or at least say I tried.
It will be a Happy 5th Marathoniversary to me – closing out a year with 1 half, 1 full, 2 50ks and a 100k and at least an attempted 100 Miler!
(if it doesnt work out I’ll just stick around and help the crews)

*Pretty sure the below picture depicts the run on Sunday*

grindstone training run

BQ Training Session #2

I did 12 400-Meter sprints (12 jog backs) = 7200 meters. Average sub 2 minutes (in the heat).
And I see the pattern here.
My trainer Joey is having me maintain a marathon BQ pace in longer and longer intervals.
He stood at the halfway point and on the turn back he would tell me how many seconds I had to get to the end. This inspired the heck out of me and I found myself pushing in a way I never would on my own. THAT is how a trainer changes things. For me anyway.
In my head, every time I passed him, I was 100 meters from the BQ finish line with 30 seconds to qualify. And so, in my head, this morning, I qualified 12 times. It was crazy.
Its exhausting just imagining 5k…10k…10 miles….
You use a whole different set of muscles for different activities. Its like, I can do 12 minute miles for 20 hours…but I cant do 7 minute miles for an hour…..its all part of the ride.
I have a half this weekend – in the wicked heat. I should maybe push it and see if I can PR??
Maybe the bonus in all this craziness will be dropping a few pounds??
Still spinning 3 times per week for an hour, meeting with Joey once (will increase this soon) and doing whatever I have time for on my off days.
May your journey never end. There is no finish line.
Philippians 3:12 ~ I have not arrived, and I PRESS ON.

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