I showed up to the customer location dressed impeccably.  It was an important meeting, and I was ready for it.  There was an issue with my clearance so people were running around trying to figure out what we would do next, and then the person I was there to meet walked in.  We made small talk and the subject of running came up.  I told him I’d be running my first 24-Hour-Ultra on a nearby trail.  He asked if I had my running gear with me.  Of course I do.  “I know the trail, lets go” – everyone else looked on.

So just like that, we went running.  Seven miles.  The meeting that was to be, never was – and there we were.  On a trail, alongside a creek, going up and down hills covered in mudd.

It was f’n awesome.  We had a better conversation than we had when I met him three years ago in a conference room.  It was pretty much the best meeting Ive ever had, on so many levels.

I am thankful I didn’t wipe out 😉

When I got home, I was still in my running gear, so – my husband, youngest son, and doggie and I ran a mile out back  (I couldn’t catch any of them).  My little guy earned his Mardi Gras Madness 1-Miler medal that I’d ordered for him.  He was so proud.

boys trail

Fantastic day.  Almost 90 miles for the month, 325 for the yr.  5 weeks until the 24-Hour-Ultra 😉