Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

Month: March 2014

read to learn about my 24-hour-ultra and why Im doing it!!!!!!!!!!!

I would once again like to introduce you to my friend Jodi, for whom I have organized my event/fundraiser.

Her father passed away when she was just 13 years old.  She was very close with her dad and was devastated as you can guess.  Some of you have suffered similar losses, I have not.  I can only imagine.

Not long after her mother signed her rights away to her for whatever her reasons were.  She kept her little brother though.  Now we have all endured our different sorts of abandonment and rejection in life – and no one is necessarily worse or more painful than another – I don’t make light of any of it.  I just know that there are certain things that just create a whole new level of unacceptable and for some, impossible to overcome.  I am not here to pass judgment, that is not my point, I just would certainly venture to say at least in my own opinion that this line was drawn here.

Jodi fell into a similar text book pattern of self-destruction in her early adulthood, but through faith and pure will to fight, she rose above her inwardly-abusive behaviors and did something remarkable – she lost nearly 200 pounds by eating healthy and exercising.

She fell in love, she got married, and things were falling into place nicely.  Twenty weeks into her pregnancy, she was diagnosed with ‘terminal’ cancer and told to terminate the pregnancy to begin treatments right away, as her only chance to live.

She rejected this idea.   So the doctors told her she would likely not live to see her child turn two.  Her beautiful daughter Emilee just turned six.

Hallelujah praise the Lord.

Jodi fights cancer daily.  She has pain she hardly talks about that makes me want to smack myself in the face when I think I have something to complain about.  She doesn’t know how  much longer she has but she lives each day to its fullest.  She tries to do things that she doesn’t think she is good at like arts and crafts to make Emilee’s birthday special.  And what I really love – I love it all – but what I really super dig, is how hard she works out and eats healthy and RUNS.  She runs her brains off.

She just finished her first marathon!!  And not just that, she ran a 5k and a half and the marathon in 3 days – because why not?!!

Sadly – insurance doenst pay all the bills.  She has lost her home and has even sold her furniture.   I don’t want to embarrass her – she never complains – but I want to help her and her family in any way possible.

In 34 days I will run for 24 hours straight.  I will NOT stop.  And during this time, you can run with me, wherever you are, for any distance you chose, and you’ll get a beautiful medal I designed  after Jodi (it’s a cupcake with stars) 😉

If you don’t want to run, or walk – you can just donate.  If everyone would just give a little bit, it will all add up, and hopefully help a fellow sister, mom, runner.

Thank you


Donate here:


Here is Jodi…


Here is the medal…

cupcake medal


just another day at the office ;-)

I showed up to the customer location dressed impeccably.  It was an important meeting, and I was ready for it.  There was an issue with my clearance so people were running around trying to figure out what we would do next, and then the person I was there to meet walked in.  We made small talk and the subject of running came up.  I told him I’d be running my first 24-Hour-Ultra on a nearby trail.  He asked if I had my running gear with me.  Of course I do.  “I know the trail, lets go” – everyone else looked on.

So just like that, we went running.  Seven miles.  The meeting that was to be, never was – and there we were.  On a trail, alongside a creek, going up and down hills covered in mudd.

It was f’n awesome.  We had a better conversation than we had when I met him three years ago in a conference room.  It was pretty much the best meeting Ive ever had, on so many levels.

I am thankful I didn’t wipe out 😉

When I got home, I was still in my running gear, so – my husband, youngest son, and doggie and I ran a mile out back  (I couldn’t catch any of them).  My little guy earned his Mardi Gras Madness 1-Miler medal that I’d ordered for him.  He was so proud.

boys trail

Fantastic day.  Almost 90 miles for the month, 325 for the yr.  5 weeks until the 24-Hour-Ultra 😉


in & out

A talk about nutrition.

I use tera’s whey protein powder because it is not only clean and organic, it is rBGH free (did you know much of the milk products available are sourced from cows pumped with growth hormones).

Even if I use a flavored powder, rather than plain (I use both) it is flavored naturally.  Each flavor has a total of 4 or 5 ingredients, all of which I can pronounce and identify.  That’s how I like my food.  Lean, clean, non-modified & gluten-free.

As far as supplements go, I have had my intake analyzed by a holistic nutritionist.  When I lack in zinc or D, or some other element, he lets me know.  I try to correct these areas with my diet, but I have supplements available and he has helped me notice how I feel when I am deficient somewhere.

I know that amino acids pump me up.  I know that omega-3 sharpen me.  There are tea extracts that supposedly encourage weight loss but anyone that has followed me knows nothing works for me there.

My daily intake looks a little something like this (a few typical options shown depending on the day):

Breakfast Lara bar & espresso Gluten free toast w natural peanutbutter Turkey bacon & egg omlette
Lunch Plain turkey wrap on corn tortilla w lettuce Salad w chicken and blueberries w balsamic vinegrette or plain Leftovers (see dinners)
Dinner Turkey  meatloaf w veggies Roasted chicken w/ veggies and brown rice Baked cod w mashed potatoes & veggies
Snacks (I eat every couple hrs) Pistachios (my sodium downfall) Unbuttered popcorn (but I put sprinkle cheese on it, which is not clean) Greek yogurt w flax seeds or gf granola
Pre/post-workout Bolthouse protein blends A tera’s whey smoothie w bananas & almonds (plus spinach or carrots or blueberries) Larabar or luna bar


Lots of espresso (with almond milk and/or coconut oil) and tons of water (I don’t even track it anymore, it is a TON).

I guess I average 1800 to 2000 calories – but I really don’t count.  At least twice per week I burn more than that in a day and for all I know I’m not eating enough.  Don’t get me wrong though, I never go hungry, I have an insatiable appetite, I eat every couple hours and if I have a downfall, it is that I eat large amounts of food.]

The absolute worst things I eat – fairly frequently, are – when we go out to eat, sometimes I get the spinach-artichoke dip (and I destroy it), and, sometimes when running around between work and practices etc, I’ll swing the kids to tacobell (I get the cantina salad minus guac and dressing) or chic fil a (I get the market salad minus cheese).

Well there it is, all out there.  I’m not sure exactly why I plateaued quite a bit ago but I do believe it will come down to simply doing more in terms of exercise.  I know that when I had a trainer, it is a) that push for ten  more minutes in a session and b) the constant changing it up (I will tend to do the same things over and over).

NO one is perfect right – thats not the point – perfection is not a bad goal, however achievable, realistically – I do know that eating properly makes me feel better and no one will argue it makes us healthier.  When you put yourself in the athlete category, if you do – it is that much more important.

Be well my friends <3 K


On the way to the bus stop I talked to my teenager about some recent thing that happened to his little brother at school that concerned me.  I described each incident and asked if he thought his brother was being picked on?

“Its all normal 6th grade boy stuff mom”

“It is?”


“Did stuff like that happen to you in 6th Grade?”


Oh – OK

Well, glad we cleared that up.


In response to some twitter posts recently,  let me start by saying I do what works for me and feels right.  You have to do what works for you as well.  I hope that the successes and failures I share will help you, but by no means do I think there is one way to do things that will work for everyone.  We all have to do our own thing.

People often ask about what is the big differentiation in terms of training for an ultra, rather than a marathon.  There are a few things I had to learn, to include bricking, pacing-down and ‘learning to walk’, but today I’ll start with nutrition.  If youre running for 8 or more hours, you’re going to have to consume more than just a sports drink or energy gel to keep going.

While you are doing your long training runs (and hopefully you’re doing back-to-back longs, but not more than 20 miles imo) – bring food.  Try one thing at a time, so you can test how you will react to it.  This doesn’t mean that you’ll react the exact same way every time, or that the same things will always appeal to you – every run can be different – but just try one thing at a time.

Aid stations are going to have things like fruit, cookies, crackers and chips etc.  Since I am gluten free, I can not always indulge in what is being provided.  So I have to bring my own stuff, by way of drop bags, backpack and/or crew.  Examples of things I have eaten are pretzels, nut butter sandwiches, doubleshots (this is probably not good advice because coffee is a dietetic but I crave it during runs), roasted salty potatoes (omg yes); and crispy turkey bacon (don’t judge me).

I also water down sports drinks – I don’t drink them straight – they irritate me.  I water them at least half and half or even one part electrolytes and two parts water.  Salt is important – it can take cramps away, as can bananas ie potassium.  Some people like fruit and candy etc, but I usually cant stomach anything sweet.

Anyways – when youre out training for 3 or 4 hours, bring a little food.  Youll be glad on race day when you have made a habit out of eating-on-the-run.

<3 K



marathon #6

Today was my 6th marathon in 3.5 yrs.  Well, 10th if you include ultras.

My mantra today went a little something like this: “Youre not here for a PR or a BQ, that’s another day.  This is a training run w a medal – chill out and enjoy the day” (and boy did I enjoy it, nevermind a sick tummy).

I started out my first 5 miles with a friend from high school.  And lets be honest here – we go into every race fantasizing that we’re going to do something incredible.  And if I’d stayed with her, I could have PR’d – but then, I might have gotten injured…

Ultra training is not about speed for me right now, its about new distances and endurance.  Going into my first couple of ultras I over-trained and paid the price (with a dislocated toe and nerve damage on one ankle to say the least).

So 6 weeks out from my first attempt at 24-hours, I needed to reel it back, and it was hard mentally.  Walking was actually more painful than running, it made me cramp up.  And it was hard to let my friend go off.  It was hard to stop chasing the 4:30 pacers, and then finally, I let the 5 hr group go past me somewhere around 24.  So with only 2 miles left, I just chilled.

A wonderful thing happened and helped me to shift my focus however.   I  met a lady named Pamela.  I’ve had the blessing of meeting some really special people during a few of my big races, some of whom have become important friends in my life.  I think there is something about the adventure we share – the emotions, the fear, the pain and then finally the joy – that bonds us.

Pamela was great.  This was her first marathon.  And I knew how she was feeling – at least to a point.  We connected around mile 17 and kept running back into one another.  Then I decided, I know how hard this part is, the last few miles – especially the first time – When you hit the ‘wall’ and youre really unsure if you’ll give in – so, I stayed with her.  Honestly I was happy to do so – I was feeling down right ready to walk anyways, so I let her drive the pace.

Finishing with her was a beautiful experience filled with joyful tears & a hug.  She did it.   And I was so proud of her.  Here we are:


Tomorrow I can take my doggie on a ten miler – he’ll be sure to stop plenty of times to sniff and pee on things, so, it wont be a stressful run – but it will be good training for the ATR coming up.  I know what my mission is right now.  Two big ultras in the next few months.

Then maybe – just maybe – Next year I will transition into a totally different training-mode – one where I slim down, tone-up and get faster.

Maybe 😉

<3 K



I read an article today that was a huge contradiction within itself.  Rather than reply on the page where it was posted and start a dramatic debate Ive decided to type out my thoughts.

The article is about the serious issue of teen suicide and factors that may contribute, including the pressures on kids by their parents.

What is it saying though?

On one hand Oh we coddle them and dope them and yet we expect so much of them.

Well, stop coddling them and train them for life, but for fucks sake don’t lighten your expectations.

Don’t undo everything for them.  Don’t demand they get unearned trophies.  Let them figure out how to fight their own fights.  These kids are committing suicide, in part because theyre sadly disabled by our enabling!

Highschool, and all school for that matter, is a perfect training for life.

Good, I’m glad my son has to figure out how to balance and give.  That is life.

Some things are unfair, some people are mean, some things are hard.   Good.

Sacrifices have to be made, failure has to be digested, sometimes help is needed and sometimes victory is celebrated.  Yep.

Between my job(s); my company; my kids; my home(s); my marriage; my racing etc – Its all I can do to balance anything more.  I see people with multiple relationships that they give attention to and I know that I don’t have anything left to give.

And guess what, the world is not the same as when I was skating thru school, under-achieving and ‘not living to my potential’.

I recruit.  I know.

I see the best of the best, fighting for a job.  I look over students with a 2.9 because you know what, I want a 4.0 or better.  That’s why.

My kids have to compete and I cant do it for them.

Bottom line, Galatians 6:7-9 – You Reap What You Sow

I don’t accomplish anything or make any sort of impact on the world around me when I race.  Its just a metaphor.  Its personal but I hope everyone can find their ‘thing’ that keeps them going.  Its not something you can teach your kids or anyone else, but if nothing else I hope deeper than any other hope, that everyone can find their own driver that keeps them going.

In all likelihood, my youngest wont get in the NBA, My oldest wont get a full ride to a D1 playing lacrosse and I wont qualify for Boston – but you know what – we have Things that we enjoy and are good at – then we have our day jobs.

Don’t give up people.


Feel free to read said article yourself http://totalsororitymove.com/a-message-to-teenagers-it-really-does-get-better/?fb_action_ids=10203174424822776&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B362386463902934%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D