Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

Tag: motivation

what motivates you

I wrote my oldest a note today about why working hard is important.  I have lucked and good-fortuned my way through so many things in this life, and misplaced value and focus over and over.  People think that I must be naturally motivated and hardworking to do ultras and I can see why that is a natural guess, but really, Im as lazy as the next person.  I’m just super stubborn.

Every choice we make from workouts to meals, as well as our very moods and thoughts, are up to us.  I want my kids to WANT something, be tested by it, work for it and accomplish it.  No medal or praise or compliment in the world feels as good as the sensation of achievement over challenge.

Maybe I choose racing because for me it is easier to get that high than to be successful in so many of the other [more practical/important] aspects of everyday life – or the odds are more certainly in my favor.  Either way, I know that as much as Maslow’s hierarchy theory makes sense, the longing that is embedded down inside of each of us was put there by God and can only be filled and satisfied by Him.

So whatever you decide to strive for – and you should, you should try – just don’t replace seeking God as your ultimate goal and desire.

Bell well

<3 K




I read an article today that was a huge contradiction within itself.  Rather than reply on the page where it was posted and start a dramatic debate Ive decided to type out my thoughts.

The article is about the serious issue of teen suicide and factors that may contribute, including the pressures on kids by their parents.

What is it saying though?

On one hand Oh we coddle them and dope them and yet we expect so much of them.

Well, stop coddling them and train them for life, but for fucks sake don’t lighten your expectations.

Don’t undo everything for them.  Don’t demand they get unearned trophies.  Let them figure out how to fight their own fights.  These kids are committing suicide, in part because theyre sadly disabled by our enabling!

Highschool, and all school for that matter, is a perfect training for life.

Good, I’m glad my son has to figure out how to balance and give.  That is life.

Some things are unfair, some people are mean, some things are hard.   Good.

Sacrifices have to be made, failure has to be digested, sometimes help is needed and sometimes victory is celebrated.  Yep.

Between my job(s); my company; my kids; my home(s); my marriage; my racing etc – Its all I can do to balance anything more.  I see people with multiple relationships that they give attention to and I know that I don’t have anything left to give.

And guess what, the world is not the same as when I was skating thru school, under-achieving and ‘not living to my potential’.

I recruit.  I know.

I see the best of the best, fighting for a job.  I look over students with a 2.9 because you know what, I want a 4.0 or better.  That’s why.

My kids have to compete and I cant do it for them.

Bottom line, Galatians 6:7-9 – You Reap What You Sow

I don’t accomplish anything or make any sort of impact on the world around me when I race.  Its just a metaphor.  Its personal but I hope everyone can find their ‘thing’ that keeps them going.  Its not something you can teach your kids or anyone else, but if nothing else I hope deeper than any other hope, that everyone can find their own driver that keeps them going.

In all likelihood, my youngest wont get in the NBA, My oldest wont get a full ride to a D1 playing lacrosse and I wont qualify for Boston – but you know what – we have Things that we enjoy and are good at – then we have our day jobs.

Don’t give up people.


Feel free to read said article yourself http://totalsororitymove.com/a-message-to-teenagers-it-really-does-get-better/?fb_action_ids=10203174424822776&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B362386463902934%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D