Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

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ultra#12 – Thank you sir, may I have another

OK first, lets start here…



That about covers that stuff I get asked all the time.

Here is what happened yesterday.

The setting is a trail once used by the CIA to train cadets, before it was the CIA (OSS) and adjacent to where Marines and FBI are trained today.

After a week  of not eating or sleeping properly on a trip to the West Coast, I landed then headed to the race.  So in my head it was only 4am when it started and I don’t sleep on planes so I hadn’t slept since Thu.

I started training for this race beginning of Nov.  I trained 5 or 6 days per week for three months and was just starting to feel like I was in a groove and making progress.  My goal was to get a new PR.  Then on the first day of February, I deadlifted 175 lbs.  I have no business doing such a  thing and I paid the price (sciatica). <ouch man

Here’s the thing about that, I think my trainer and I share responsibility in the foolish move that I ended up paying the price for.    I mean, I did say, No, I cant (after two pulls) and he said, Do it.  And I did.  And then, I just kept working out.

I could have stopped.  And during the weeks of significant pain that followed, I could have done more stretching, then worked from that to push ups then squats,  and been strict with my nutrition etc but I didn’t – I got depressed and gained weight and got wicked out of shape.

So ironically all that workingout lead to me being  less prepared rather than more.

It was 5 years ago, on the day, I did a Bad To The Bone series 50k.  It was very hard (it is on a mountain).  Until yesterday, it was my slowest 50k finish, at 10 hrs.  BTTB races have waist high water and significant elevation.  I ran that one an hour faster than the one yesterday.  In fact, this is the slowest of 9 50ks Ive ever done, all on tough courses.

Loop one I was fine.  I finished it feeling like I was possibly going to do 8 or more (each loop is 10k so 8 loops is 50 miles).  Loop two the sciatica started talking to me.   First a whisper, then a shout.  It’s the first sensation of pain it’d given me for weeks.  I thought I was healed.  Maybe something like that never fully goes away though and can be aggravated  and if ever I was going to exacerbate it, I guess running on choppy terrain on no sleep w no training, would be the way.

I however, was not going to at least do 5 loops so it would still be an ultra.  Midway through loop 4, I wasn’t sure I could do one more.  Every step I took on the left side felt like what I imagine being stabbed with a knife would feel like.  And if I have learned one thing in ultra-running, it is that if you start favoring one side, something will go wrong on the other side (100% true).

Sure enough, I started feeling bad in a few different places.  But the trail quality was perfect and the weather could not have been better and the best part, I hadn’t fallen (huge for me – long story).   Probably because I was going so slow, but still.  For perspective on the speed, I can run a 10k in an hour or less.  I was doing these loops in about 90 mins, taking about a 10 minute break after each loop by the time you add up grabbing food and doing first aid and using the facilities (not to gross you out but my stomach was a disaster the whole time and its that time of the month on top of all that).  Woohoo!

So I end loop 4 (marathon distance) and I just keep on going.  As I said, it was a perfect day – and all the beauty of it overwrote the discomfort…


Loop 5 wasn’t that bad.  By the way, it’s a lollipop loop, so after you head up the base, you can go left or right.  Most people choose right, because they find its easier to do the majority of the climbing on fresher legs then zoom downhill to the finish.  This  really makes sense and I should have done it but I got this thing in my head a long time ago (Ive done this race 4 times) that I want to go in the same direction every time and since I went left the first time, it’s the only way I go.

When I finished loop 5, I knew I could do more.  Alex, the RD, he knew it too, and told me he wouldn’t cut my timer chip off.  Technically I could have rested and gone back out.  Afterall, its whatever you can do in 24 hours, and I’d only been  our there 11.  I had 13 more hours to go.  Maybe if I rested, or had a crew (aka nitro coffee) or took a few advil, I could knock out a few more loops.  But I wanted to be in my bed for the first time in a week and I wanted to see my doggie and just be home.  So I cut the chip off myself.

So Athletic Equation Trail Race #6 done.  By far my favorite Trail Race series of all.  Cant say enough about the crew and amenities and course.  Love it

Final message, If I can do that, in the shape and condition I was in, anyone can.

And yes, I just signed up for my next one!!

2018 is almost here!

I tweeted yesterday about saying No and Delegating More. Its hard. Not just because I want things done a certain way, and maybe want the recognition or appreciation that sometimes come with doing things – but also, when you value things, you know they deserve you – and yet the you that’s left spreads thinner and thinner….coaching ~ family – friends – career – fitness/goals etc #allthethings

And so now, Im Headed Back into the swing of things – or at least getting there. I have done a few classes in the last week, and I am committed to attending a class a minimum of 4 times per week with 2 additional classes optional, depending how the week/day is going.
Tue, Thu and Sat am are Kettle (my favorite); and Sun am is Bootcamp. Theyre a blast!! Mon and Wed evenings, if I can make it, will be HIIT.

Ive trained with Joey aka Burr Strength before as a personal trainer and I am SO proud of him for having his own space now. He is fantastic.

Today during bootcamp, one of the stations for one of the sets, was a pullup. I used to be able to do one (see proof below circa 2015/2013). I am not fit/strong/thin enough at this time to do one.
When we were supposed to do situps with a medicine ball over our heads and throw it at the wall, I couldnt do that either. I mean, I could throw it, and then sit up, but not one swift motion. And I don’t like it.

Ive just been way too far off track, and this is not a new story. Its Groundhog Day. Off track then back on again. But it feels good to have a thing I can stick to now and that its so enjoyable.
When the alarm goes off super early, just like before any race, there is a moment where I consider just going back to sleep – but I NEVER do and I never regret it when Im done!

My nutrition is always a bit stricter than ‘normal’ but nowhere near as good as it could be and I Know it. I do have a lot of reasons, but no excuses.

Im only registered for one race so far for 2018, an ultra of course, and I’ll probably end up doing at least two.

Everyone has a lot of things theyre balancing, some more than others. So here’s to less coffee and wine; and more water – and at least 4 hours of hardcore training per week, sometimes 6.

This is a good jump start on what can and will be a fantastic 2018.

Raise your standards and expectations – Have intentions that make you feel good and resolve in your own favor – Do you & Be well –

Love ~K~

ps I will do a pullup soon!!



Giving Yourself Permission

…to do less.

…to be ok.

Being a self-motivated person can certainly lead to accomplishments and success but it is also a sort of prison. No one is harder on me than me and Im unable to relax. If Im not doing many things, or trying very hard, it actually stresses me a great deal.

Brief times in my life when I had nothing I was particularly driven or passionate about, were the most depressing times Id ever known.

I come a cross, I think, sort of always in a state of upset. But really Im not. Im just not fucking around, because I don’t want to. If youre chill, and that’s your thing, good for you, that’s just not how Im wired.

Whether Im on vacation or it is the weekend or evening, I am generally not satisfied unless Im doing or about to do SOMETHING.
I have a big race coming up, the first one in a long time and maybe the only one I’ll do all year – which, by the way, Im not READY for – as I haven’t trained at all, but Im actually looking forward to it.

When Im about to leave for Vegas every summer, I get well wishes, some of them laced with sarcasm or jealous, along the lines of “Try to have fun” – but really, it’s a fuck ton of work. The work starts long before the events and goes on long after. And I do realize I don’t do nearly as much as a lot of other folks do out there – but I can only measure against myself. What did I really just accomplish? I know what I got out of it but when the bean-counters analyze the ROI, what will they think? I nearly didn’t rest or relax the whole time I was there and didn’t do the majority of the personal-to-do-list things Id meant to do with my family (that was out there with me), or take a minute of PTO.

Today is beautiful weather and I keep going through my head about housework, work-work (catching up after being on travel for a week), working out etc. I decided to just go for a walk with my dog. Stopped and looked a ponds and vineyards and flowers and trees and the sky – and let my little buddy sniff all the things.

pup walk

All that to say, that’s what I did. And that’s ok.

Its ironic, if you think about it really, how hard relaxing is.

I picked up some groceries, I might get my hubs car detailed (as much for me as for him), Im catching up on reports and emails…..and I might not workout (bs you know I will) but anyways — GOT tonight and Im gonna let myself drink wine while I watch it 😀

So listen I guess the point of this is to try not to let life slip right past you. I certainly have missed out on a lot but I hope in a few weeks when Im out on the trail for 12 hours, I get some good me-time in there with my many thoughts. Maybe I’ll figure out something huge ;D

Be well friends,


a month away

Today I went out and got new shoes and couldn’t wait to try them out on the trail. It was like I had to spend that $100ish dollars to force myself to run. I had to right? Race is a month away, one little run wont matter but still…

I hate to write too much about my upcoming race, since I don’t even know if Im going to run it, but here it goes. If I do show up, despite that it is a conflict with an important work event, and Im in the worst shape Ive been in since I started running in Oct 2010 – my Level One Goal is to do 4 laps, which would be a full marathon. I haven’t run longer than 5k in a year, and Ive maybe only run a half dozen times.

I did just do a 6 week metabolic fitness challenge and it didn’t change my life or anything, but got me back on the right track.
My handful of excuses for the worst shape ‘of my running life’ is new job (with just as much travel and a ton more commuting etc), moving (after 9 yrs in one place, which is the longest Ive ever lived anywhere) < and 2 months later Im still not even half done, kid stuff and other stuff – whatever. No matter what life throws at us, we’re always in a position to make choices and what we do or don’t do fitness and wellness-wise, is on us. I think I can do the full – which will be a lot with zero training and my plan is one lap at a time after that. If I do one more lap, that’s ultra #11 in a little under 6 yrs. 3 more laps would be 50 miler #3, and another 2 laps would tie my distance PR for 100k – but before I start talking about how many more laps to get to a new distance PR or 75 miles etc – I know that Im not in the shape I was in two years ago when I did 100k. And, that year Id done a full and a 50k just 2 and 3 weeks prior to the 100k That would be like expecting to have done 4:20 at FlyingPig like I did at Shamrock, when I was simply no where near the same shape. What I really love about the Athletic Equation timed races is that you just go out there and race yourself. There are no cutoff points and Im not saying that makes it easier, its just a very different race dynamic. Its metaphorical of each day of our lives isn’t it? Facing ourselves, maybe our greatest opponent and ally!! Think about it. Be well Love ~k

Keeping it really real

Its an on-again, off-again journey < harder for some that others. For me, registering for races isnt just a motivator, its about the greatest feeling of all, the finish line. This last iteration of off-the-wagon was a combination of starting a new job, increasing my commute, moving, and a series of other crap that just took a priority over my fitness.

I entered a 6 week challenge 6 wks ago to kick my a$$ back on track.

Ive been lifting a lot but not spending much time doing cardio. I happen to know that you CAN cardio your way thin. Too thin even. My first full marathon, Oct 2010, I was gross skinny. My next marathon, 5 months later, was the best shape of my life, 10 lbs heavier, all muscle. Ive run 8 total fulls but never that fast again. It was also the year I PRd 50k and 50 Miles. None of my fulls or (10) ultras since have I done so well. But Im searching for a different kind of PR this year…and its going to be more about my mental stamina than anything!!

Anyways, adding muscle to a frame that isnt carrying fat is easy. I said it. Its fucking easy.
I have fat to lose now, so I cant just keep lifting. I need more time on my feet to build the endurance to spend 24 hours moving on a trail. Pretty basic stuff.

Ive been mixing spin, running (I just started back up) and lifting (HIITS). Today I followed a sprint video and there were only ten 30 second sprints but phwew, I was feelin’ it!!

Lifting is definitely my favorite of the three types of activities but I know theyre all important. As a side note, my new house has a pool, so no more excuses to not swim. I cant wait to open it and start training – for my first Iron Man. But I digress….first I need to do my next ultra, in exactly 2 months!!!

So I close with a horrifying before-after pic (wine belly).

before and after

Be well my friends,




People ask me why I run ultras.

My dad stated some years ago when I started all this that anyone who would ask would not understand the answer.

The first time I ever raced was 10 miles. I went into it having never run any distance even close to that and had no idea if I could do it. It was the greatest feeling crossing the finish line and Ive never stopped since.

In a few weeks Im going to run my third 50 miler, then a marathon a few wks later (not sure if Im going to run it or walk it yet), and then a week later, my 3rd 24-hour loop race. I did 50 the first time, 100k the second, and I’d like to do 75 miles this time! And that’s my spring racing season, for which I have not really prepared, at least not as far as time on my feet goes.

I will re-assess how I feel about #Grindstone after the summer. I have had people say that I should try a 100 Miler that is less technical. Maybe a nice flat loop race. That’s not what I want to do though. Its not just the miles or distance – it’s so much more. I want to go back to that course which was the hardest most technical thing Ive ever set foot on and accomplish it – and qualify for Western States while Im at it. Qualifying for #WesternStates, is, to me, what I guess, qualifying for #Boston is for marathoners.

And while we are at it – I just watched the Barkley documentary and I cannot stop thinking about it.

The wretched James Earl Ray, who assassinated Dr Martin Luther King Jr, escaped the ‘inescapable’ Brushy Mountain Maximum Security prison.
He made it 8 miles in 54 hours. And THAT is where the #Barkley takes place. It is this unmarked, ever changing course. No gps allowed. Five 20 miles loops going up and down 12k feet every pass – the equivalent to going up and down Everest, twice. Flesh tearing thorns. No course markings. Just books that you tear pages out of to prove you’ve gone where youre supposed to go.
In 30 yrs, 16 have finished, and it took 10 yrs for the first person so finish. No female, ever.


Mark my words.

And Im gonna do the whole Appalachian Trail, and maybe Machu Piccho. I have got so much to do. One Step at a Time.

Gary Cantrell:

“you cant accomplish anything without facing the possibility of failure”

“to find out that something, about themselves” – “challenge your limitations”

“you cant tell how much you can do, until you’ve tried more”

rolling along…

Today’s #workout (so far) –
105 squats, 30 lunges, 48 weighted high knee box steps, 20 of each: deadlifts with tri rows, bicep curls, overhead presses, resistance band rows, lawnmowers, situps, kettle swings and weighted mason twists
In 25 mins
I started #DailyBurn end of Nov
I started *carb-cycling beginning of Jan
I’m down 9 lbs and more importantly, 6.5 inches (chest, hips, waist).
Im trying not to be obsessed with the scale – as strength and overall wellness is more important. For a good stretch of time I was quite sick, with lots of work and stress and travel etc.
My goal is to work out daily. Im happier when I do ((Note: I haven’t ran longer than a mile in six months and have 3 big races occurring in a period of 30 days in less than 2 months))!!
Life gets in the way though right? I work, I travel – have kids and a dog and a house. Some days are better than others. Im very blessed to be able to work from home most of the time. I can workout most days.
*For more on what is carb-cycling, I’d refer you to a few great sites, including #Livestrong, where they really get into the science of how your body responds to carbs in terms of producing hormones like serotonin and insulin, and how this effects hunger, metabolism and fat-storage, as well as fuel distribution. It is not about carb avoidance all around, it is about proper cycling (days of No, Low & High carbs) AND I remain clean and gluten free. Its not just carbs and calories, or for that matter quantity as much as quality. Eat REAL food. Balance protein and good-fat. Its much easier than it sounds. I am not lacking or craving anything.
ps I plan to PR some stuff this year….maybe #BQ, maybe 75 miles, maybe 100 – the sky’s the limit.
Anyways – I share cuz I care – and it keeps me accountable. Stay on the right road my friends – and if you sway, fret not, we’re all human, just step back over where you belong and move forward – One Step at a Time!!
Be Well
<3 K *progressprogress*

The Belly/Mind Connection

95% of the serotonin in our bodies is in our gut, the rest is in the brain.  It’s the happy hormone.

What we may not realize is how the mind and tummy are interconnected and affect one another.

Stress can tear your belly up, I think we all know that, but do you know why?  They are constantly sending chemical messages back and forth to one another about how each other feels, and they react accordingly.

I know for me and for my son, gluten makes us moody, forgetful, dizzy, dopey, ADHD, and then some.

We don’t just have terrible GI reactions, I get severe vertigo, and feel exhausted, to name a few.

I have a lot more to share about the latest chapter in my journey, especially because for all I know it can help someone – but I need to wait until I know more before I even try.

I will say that if you remember back in March when I got sick during a marathon – then a month later was still sick so got tested for salmonilla, parasites, vitamin deficiencies, lyme, rhabodmyolosys, infections etc – and it all came back normal….well Im still sick and getting sicker.  So – as part of a diagnostic process, I am doing a gluten challenge – after over ten years of being gluten free.


Ive only done it for a week and I cant take it anymore.  Im taking a break so I wont pass out during my conference next week, and will pick it back up when I get back in a week.  No matter how it turns out I know that gluten makes me feel terrible and I wont chose to eat it.

Why does it take so long for us to figure things out that one of these days we will sit back knowing how we should have done everything but being too old and tired to do it 😉

My first attempt at a 24-Hour Ultra

Let me start by saying 17 hours and 11 minutes later, I am sure that was the best racing experience of my life.  Having accomplished 50 miles previously in less than 12 hours on a fairly technical course, you can imagine how technical this course was to have taken me that long.

After the 6th lap I was at about the time I’d finished JFK, I had another 2 laps to go to get to 50, and although still on track for accomplishing 100k w time to spare, it was very much not a priority as much as a fleeting idea or matter of fact that I was completely ready to ignoring entirely.

I made a lot of promises to people who care about me and matter to me, and most of all to myself about listening to my body and just enjoying the experience – nothing more.

First of all – the folks at  Athletic Equation  put on a second to none organized event with the best support crew and food I have ever experienced – with round the clock cooks providing a terrific spread to a support staff that knows you and takes care of you every minutes.  I had nothing to worry about.  I cant say enough about all of them.

At the pre-race dinner-meeting a lady got up and told a story.  I couldn’t hold back the tears.  You know I went into this having been sick for many weeks with three different doctors having no idea why – and subsequently being insufficiently trained to say the least.   And her words touched me deep to my core, they were just what I needed to hear and they reaffirmed that I’d made the right decision showing up despite all of the suggestion that I shouldn’t.  This lady understood – I hoped we’d get a chance to talk, and little did I know, we would…

So I had no big expectations.  I was happy just to be there.  From minute I arrived it was a great experience (minus the camping which just isn’t my cup of tea).  I knew the area and had enjoyed the trail on a few recent occasions, and was happy to just walk it.  I got NO sleep the night before (note the camping comment) and ended up calling my poor husband at 11pm and begging him to drive two hrs and come lay w me to help me try to rest.  He did show up which is so nice but needless to say we were both too uncomfortable to sleep.  Lesson learned – next year (YES I PLAN TO DO IT AGAIN) , I’ll stay in the bunk dorm not a private cabin – OR a nearby hotel.

Anyways, up at the crack of dawn welcomed by a nice breakfast but no appetite.  This [state of no desire to eat] maintains for the next 20 hours – I don’t want to eat anything and if you know me, you know that I normally have an INSATIABLE appetite all day every day.  But nothing appealed to me (not that it didn’t look and taste and smell great  and I just had no urge to eat anything.  I think my focus was mostly on drinking enough, but for some reason  I can never really judge my intake on my own.

This is a good time to start talking about the importance of a crew.  I remember in my first ultra (50k) I’d separated from my team and was in such a groove I had no desire to do anything but run – I felt great and ran past aid stations w out even stopping – although achieving a PR that has never been even close to  broken – I became severely dehydrated and could have killed myself (but felt great ).

Then in my first 50 Miler Steve kept bringing me food all day – then in the last 15 or so miles, I had zero sense of anything  – pain, distance, time, depth perception – and of course thirst and hunger – My trainer just kept asking me questions and telling me what to eat and drink.

Last night was very much like this.  The crew would check my bag and tell me what I need and I just listened (well mostly I did).

Around 50k Jean  showed up.  She brought me a gluten free pizza (which ultimately was one of the only things I would eat the whole time) and the most mouth watering brownies I have ever eaten that she fixed for me.

She also brought me things I’d never even thought of like a reflective belt, extra batteries, a hand-held flashlight (that was very bright and ended up being my main light source rather than the headlamp) and so much more.  She took over the role of monitoring my intake and telling me what to do and I tried to listen.  ((she also joined the race crew and helped many other people))

At first I told her “Sorry you came all this way but I’m done, my race is over”.  After 30 miles of running strong and happy and painfree (averaging a sub 2 hr loop each time), I’d landed wrong on a rock and twisted my ankle badly.  She took off my shoe and iced me and started talking to me.

She asked me where my ‘enjoyment level’ was – she got me to really look at what I was doing and why and how did I feel.

We decided to do a loop together and take it one step at a time and reevaluate after.  But first, we iced it and wrapped it and did a little stretching.

The loop went well – not even much slower than the last 5.   More importantly, we ran into Felecia, the girl who spoke the night before.  The three of us became an  item 😉

For the first several hours of the race Felicia was in the top 10, and on the road to at least 100k if not 75, with time to spare.  But she’d just landed wrong like I did, and aggravated her IT band, and if you check out her blog I posted on my page, you’ll see that she has too much planned to risk anything now.

So there we both were – reassessing what we were shooting for and why, moment by moment, evaluating risk and deciding accordingly.  We both felt like we could go again and we did – slowly.  We talked and talked!

The moon was a sliver and the stars were twinkling high above the towering treetops in the cool spring night air.  The sound of the water ever in the background like white noise.  Animals were shifting around in the leaves in the dark.  We saw everything from snakes to moles and lizards – and well,  my peripherals played tricks on me and made tree stumps look like black bears.

For lap 8 Charlie showed up.  We really couldn’t have done this lap w out him.  This was 8 for me and 9 for Felecia.  The track had gone through a lot w/ all the crazy recent storms we just had and even knocked out bridges and creating a few hazards and spots that you literally had to leap over to get by.  At this point when we reached rocks and slopes that we’d previously sailed through, Charlie stood and gave us a hand one by one as we came around the loop one last time in roughly three and a half hours – more than twice as long as it took earlier in the morning.

When the clock struck 12 we all cheered in the night.  We’d made it to the next day.  We discussed it and agreed that neither of us felt the need to go any further and that we were pleased with what we had done.  We knew people would say “But Felecia, only one more loop to 100k” and “Kirsten, you have two more in you” – and we both knew those things were true, but it didn’t matter, we were happy and at peace w our decision to cross the lap finish one more time and no more.  We will use prudence, she said.  And we agreed.

I was happy the whole time.  No regrets, no stress – just happy – even when I had pain at the very end.    Thats just it – you’ll need bravery, tenacity, loyalty, strength – you’ll need so many things – then mix in PRUDENCE, and proceed.

And when we got back to my cabin to clean and pack, I found a beautiful big banner decorated by Jean with loving messages all over it.  All I could do was cry joyfully.

I have a half at the end of the month and another 50 miler one month away, neither of which I currently think are going to happen and I’m ok with that.  I’m very much ok with everything turning out however it is supposed to – almost Zen-like peace – and I don’t even need to know or plan – I can just BE.

Psalm 46:10

stats banner

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everything is going to be ok ;)

It has been over a month and I’m still sick w no signs of improvement.  The one doctor appointment turned up with all tests saying I am perfectly healthy, which is clearly erroneous.  So today I went to another doctor.  This is going to be long but is full of info that may be helpful so may be worth a gander.

My brilliant, wonderful, fantastic [holistic, non-western-main-stream-drug-pushing] doctor spent 45 minutes just listening to me talk, asking questions and taking notes.

He then put out a few things to consider.  Some of which will require further testing to rule-out or diagnose, and another option that will just require me to STOP EXERCISING completely – at least for a while…

Option one: food allergy – we need to do a food diary – and yes, you can just develop one out of nowhere – this is his least likely hunch and was just a thing he threw out there.

Option two: Lyme disease – I do spend a lot of time in the woods afterall, and this is tricky to diagnose because there are three levels of symptoms and there is no consistency in results etc.  He said there is a common blood test and then a least common one and that he wanted me to go do both of them.    I don’t have some of the main indicators but then, some people never do, but he can see where I’d have both the respiratory and GI issues with Lyme.

Option three: I could have Rhabdomyolysis – and this is what he feels is most strongly the case.  The only way to know for sure is to STOP EXERCISING – this is also the only way to heal it.  Much more on this later….

And there is a fourth option – I could be poisoning myself.  Yep.  Fun.

Note – Its funny that I just wrote a piece about making judgments about health and lifestyles…

Did you know that ‘organic’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘healthy’ – and that ‘organic’ brown rice syrup used to sweeten & process food, is made from poisons such as arsenic?  AND that much of the gluten free pastas and breads contain brown rice syrup????

Good lord really??  In which case I’m also poisoning my entire family.

So many questions spinning around in my head.  I need to go for a run to sort it all out.  Oh wait, I’m not allowed????!!!

A little bit of weird dark humor there sorry.

So back to the rhabdo real quick – I can definitely see where I put off the impression that I’m exercising a wicked ton and there was a time where I was doing a lot more than I am now.  But really, between the nutso winter we just had, my ridiculously busy schedule and the just plain feeling like crud lately, I have not been exercising anywhere near as much as I was previously.

This of course doesn’t mean that I haven’t caused a breakdown in my muscle tissues over time in the last few yrs of running that have just started to elevate the levels of toxins in my blood that are causing a breakdown in my liver and kidneys now….subsequently leading to me being so sick now.

You have to admit it is a sweet Edgar Allen Poe sort of irony to think I may have exercised myself sick huh.

This condition can be turned around.  Resting is the only way.  He thinks my condition is chronic and that I can reverse it with rest.  He said the rest can be as short as 72 hours depending on how long it has been going on.    We shall see.

Ps I told him that I read recently that too much protein can upset your stomach and he said although true, I might want to think about Magnesium.  It is found in dark leafy vegetables appearing daily in my diet, as well as found in the bolthouse proteins drinks that I drink often, AS WELL AS in my larabars eaten frequently in my diet. ..


What’s left for me to eat/do?

*feeling a little defeated*

And so I shall be still (Psalm 47:10)

And then I will PRESS ON (Phil 3:12)


Love and thanks to all my loyal supporters (my mother-in-law Pat, Donna, Harmony etc) for their caring and concern




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