I did 12 400-Meter sprints (12 jog backs) = 7200 meters. Average sub 2 minutes (in the heat).
And I see the pattern here.
My trainer Joey is having me maintain a marathon BQ pace in longer and longer intervals.
He stood at the halfway point and on the turn back he would tell me how many seconds I had to get to the end. This inspired the heck out of me and I found myself pushing in a way I never would on my own. THAT is how a trainer changes things. For me anyway.
In my head, every time I passed him, I was 100 meters from the BQ finish line with 30 seconds to qualify. And so, in my head, this morning, I qualified 12 times. It was crazy.
Its exhausting just imagining 5k…10k…10 miles….
You use a whole different set of muscles for different activities. Its like, I can do 12 minute miles for 20 hours…but I cant do 7 minute miles for an hour…..its all part of the ride.
I have a half this weekend – in the wicked heat. I should maybe push it and see if I can PR??
Maybe the bonus in all this craziness will be dropping a few pounds??
Still spinning 3 times per week for an hour, meeting with Joey once (will increase this soon) and doing whatever I have time for on my off days.
May your journey never end. There is no finish line.
Philippians 3:12 ~ I have not arrived, and I PRESS ON.
Tag: BQ
Spring 2k15 racing season has come to a successful close with a decent full, a decent 50k and my first 100k – I feel pretty good about how it all turned out.
Today was the first training session in pursuit of BQ.
It was good. I did 16 – 200 meter sprints (and 16 jog backs).
The goal was 72 seconds per sprint. I averaged around a minute and change with my best time 47 seconds (6 min/mile) and my worst 1:07 (closer to 8.5).
I finished strong with .55 after 12 at or slight above one minute (6 at sub 60).
Eventually Joey will teach me how to do pace cycles and that will be the key in Oct in NY. He said we’re not ready for that yet though, we’re getting a feel for my speed capability – and who knows when Ive been all about the ultra for a few years now.
I am confident that if qualifying for Boston is a possibility for me, I’m going to do it w this guy training me – and not because he’s cute – because he doesn’t mess around (I only told him a hate him once or twice).
If youre looking for a trainer and live in the NoVA area, this guy is the bomb.
GREAT session!!!
Weekly training =
1 hr spin X 3
1 hr personal trainer (whatever he tells me to do)
On the off days – do whatever I want to include walk, jog, weights, core and bike for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes or up to a few hrs if I have the time for the trail.
Hope everyone’s doing awesome.
Xo – be well,
I have written this post a few times…..
2014 SUCKED – hard. Listing it all out is pointless.
That’s ok. Do I have a ton of regrets? Sure. Do I have left over pain and confusion? A little.
However ~ I have an overwhelmingly strong surge of motivation and positive vibes in me!
This 40th year of my life was filled with things I’d never imagined that might cause some people to roll over and you know what – I almost did. But screw that.
Im closing out this shitastic year having recently lost approx 15 lbs.
Im currently registered for three races with at least three others on the docket. I am looking forward to a PR or two and redemption for my nasty, bloody DNF last year.
There is a thing – a challenge if you will, in the next few wks – it seems complicated but if you really spin it around, its quite simple. Its on me. Whatever happens, I wouldnt want to influence it if I could, thats not what I want. You have to know what you can control and what you cant and if you want to dig into what might be your motivation or purpose, figuring that out is for you – but don’t try to understand anyone else.
And moreover, know that you have been promised that God will grant your every heart’s desire – if you fear Him. That means if your desires are righteous and not of a sinful nature, they shall be granted. This takes trust and faith. Ref Psalm 147:11 and Matthew 6:33
Its easy to trust in a plan you understand, it’s a greater test of your strength to believe in a plan that not only doesn’t make sense, it hurts deeply.
Its ok. I got this.
I got 2015.
1 half, 2 fulls, a 50k and a 24Hr Trail. I will PR, I will BQ and I will not get hurt.
My marriage is in God’s hands, as are my children. I am blessed beyond words.
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