Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

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stay in your lane

I saw a tweet yesterday saying that ‘white women need to stay in their lane’ [and not speak for black women]. I am not black. So I cant speak for black women, I agree. As a side note, I think most women agree that a man cant/shouldnt speak for a woman (even and yet, they make up laws for them). So maybe its like that?

I saw this tweet out of context (I think it was in response to something I didnt see) and it had received a ton of responses by the time I saw it, many angry. I don’t think they were saying white women shouldn’t support or stick up for black women, just that they cant speak for them. That’s not the same thing.

Just the other evening my company’s Women in Technology group was discussing Hidden Figures which I think as women, is a fine thing to do, but, none of us were black (on that particular evening) so, I pointed out that the movie wasn’t just about them being women, but also black. *Spoiler Alert* Not sure if the running to the bathroom thing was factual or not, but its still not far-fetched for the time period, and like so many other things those amazing 3 women faced, it was because of their skin color not just gender.

That said, I am not Jewish, or Muslim or gay or disabled, but I stand with all of those people, who suffer adversity and struggles I can certainly imagine, but not truly understand. As a mom of boys, I will never know the reasonable and justified fear a black mom has to face of letting her teenage son leave the house, with lets say, a hoodie on – because maybe he’ll be mistaken as a criminal and shot? Seems absurd right? Why would you mistake my son as a criminal and decide to shoot him just because of his clothing? You wont right? Because he has blonde hair and blue eyes…

If anything, I am embarrassed at times that Im white. Granted if you have to be white, be Italian, because we’re the coolest but anyways. Seriously, it feels like an unfair advantage in a twisted world where unqualified, undignified, unexperienced, unrelatable, unrespectable, racist, sexist, ignorant white men who have fortunes handed to them get nuclear codes when they cant even put together an eloquent sentence. Alas, I digress again (ADD much).

This will get blown out of proportion and misconstrued but Im ashamed that I have over indulged my own children and am very much a part of ‘the problem’ in that way. There is nothing dignified about having life handed to you, with no consequences for poor choice and no achievements in the face of great hardship or challenge.

Don’t get me wrong, Ive had my own share of tribulations to overcome in life and they all seem small from where I stand now but they were large at the times – and I can say that nothing was ever handed to me. I worked my ass off for everything I have but it all could have turned out very different had the strokes of good favor not been on my side. And despite being married, I still stand very much on my own, by choice, dependent to no one. But boy have I been fortunate. So do my kids realize that? Have they learned anything from watching me work, practice, prepare, train or study? I am not sure. I think it may hit them in their 30s but we’ll see.

Oh look at me, off track –again. Suffice to say, the tweet made me sad. Not angry, like some of the responders. Just sad. Sad for our nation. Sad at the state of things in general. Humble, grateful and hopeful.

As far as lanes go, Im on a long, winding, sometimes rocky lane, on the road of life, and youre all welcome to come along for the ride (I sing off key, Im loud, I cuss a lot) but Im nice, funny and I can cook, so take a seat.

God bless.

Be well <3 ~K~

a heck of a week

This week started with me losing three precious rings. Valuable and irreplaceable. Poof gone. And that sucks emotionally and financially. And I filed with my homeowners/renters (Im both right now – long story) – and its under investigation (another long story). I don’t feel like getting into the details, but that is a good summary and Im trying (to find and/or replace them). – now I just WAIT AND SEE.

Meanwhile, my youngest, Justin had some challenges happen to him in school and again without going into all the details, that would take forever, we’re doing all that we can and WAITING AND SEEING with him too.

Next his brother had something occur that will be very costly, and again, sans details, trust me when I say – Ive already fully exhausted all the ideas and we’re doing what we’re doing and it is what it is.

*Insert all the bible references here for surrendering and trusting and learning from tribulation.*

So I think to myself – Im just gonna close up this winner of a week with a quick run. Even though Im not exactly where I want to be training-wise etc, I have been improving and Im still going to do this big race in a few weeks so off I go with my dog, who I have been doing very fast hill repeats with lately.

We get going, we’re really rolling, its feels great but a little bit scary and then it happens. I fall.

*Anyone who has followed my ultra-running story knows, Ive had a few very bad falls [I broke my hand a few yrs ago and later left half my knee on a mountain]. And there is a backstory associated with how and why I fall –> but in following my writing style this evening of skipping details (possibly because tonights fall caused some pretty awesome injuries to both hands and typing hurts) – I will say, I was just thinking the other day how proud I was of myself for running fast down hill on the repeats lately, w out fear…

So now, I have badly skinned up knees and hands (a nurse should really clean the rocks out better and my first aid kit is at my other house) and I have some super yucky injuries on my right hand that might/should prevent me from running the big race in a few wks. I realize people who don’t run, endurance ultras particularly, wonder why you need a hand to run but trust me – you do.

All that being said – I am seriously seeing Gods hand in all of this.
In the losing the rings, I feel that inexplicable peaceful ‘its ok’ feeling and I can see some things in my character that I needed to work on that losing the rings might accomplish.

Im not going to get into the two kid things, because they involve other people – and – Im tired – so Ill say this. Ive been taking the wrong approach with some challenges recently and I can look back at my life and see a pattern in my behavior that Im in a position now to change and improve.
So these injuries now – maybe its Him stopping me from going to a race Im not ready for. Maybe its so I’ll go do something else Im supposed to do that day. All I can do now, is – WAIT AND SEE [how bad my injuries are tomorrow, how fast I heal etc].

Im thankful for so many things. Everything I have ever faced turned out fine in the end. There have seriously been some dark and scary times. And now Im just going to be my best me and do things as well as I can.

Im currently taking my career to a whole new level and facing challenges and the possibilities are
endless but its not going to be easy.

Next week Im goinig to TAKE OFF A FEW DAYS (yes, me) and take one of my sons somewhere he has never been and do cool shit. All the work will be here when we get back. This summer Im going to go somewhere Ive never been with the whole family – and do amazing things.

See your challenges and struggles differently – especially the unfair, the inconvenient and the painful.

Be your best you.

Be well,

Love ~K~

*~* I love my family, dog, friends, job, blessings, homes, people, life *~*

a month away

Today I went out and got new shoes and couldn’t wait to try them out on the trail. It was like I had to spend that $100ish dollars to force myself to run. I had to right? Race is a month away, one little run wont matter but still…

I hate to write too much about my upcoming race, since I don’t even know if Im going to run it, but here it goes. If I do show up, despite that it is a conflict with an important work event, and Im in the worst shape Ive been in since I started running in Oct 2010 – my Level One Goal is to do 4 laps, which would be a full marathon. I haven’t run longer than 5k in a year, and Ive maybe only run a half dozen times.

I did just do a 6 week metabolic fitness challenge and it didn’t change my life or anything, but got me back on the right track.
My handful of excuses for the worst shape ‘of my running life’ is new job (with just as much travel and a ton more commuting etc), moving (after 9 yrs in one place, which is the longest Ive ever lived anywhere) < and 2 months later Im still not even half done, kid stuff and other stuff – whatever. No matter what life throws at us, we’re always in a position to make choices and what we do or don’t do fitness and wellness-wise, is on us. I think I can do the full – which will be a lot with zero training and my plan is one lap at a time after that. If I do one more lap, that’s ultra #11 in a little under 6 yrs. 3 more laps would be 50 miler #3, and another 2 laps would tie my distance PR for 100k – but before I start talking about how many more laps to get to a new distance PR or 75 miles etc – I know that Im not in the shape I was in two years ago when I did 100k. And, that year Id done a full and a 50k just 2 and 3 weeks prior to the 100k That would be like expecting to have done 4:20 at FlyingPig like I did at Shamrock, when I was simply no where near the same shape. What I really love about the Athletic Equation timed races is that you just go out there and race yourself. There are no cutoff points and Im not saying that makes it easier, its just a very different race dynamic. Its metaphorical of each day of our lives isn’t it? Facing ourselves, maybe our greatest opponent and ally!! Think about it. Be well Love ~k

Keeping it really real

Its an on-again, off-again journey < harder for some that others. For me, registering for races isnt just a motivator, its about the greatest feeling of all, the finish line. This last iteration of off-the-wagon was a combination of starting a new job, increasing my commute, moving, and a series of other crap that just took a priority over my fitness.

I entered a 6 week challenge 6 wks ago to kick my a$$ back on track.

Ive been lifting a lot but not spending much time doing cardio. I happen to know that you CAN cardio your way thin. Too thin even. My first full marathon, Oct 2010, I was gross skinny. My next marathon, 5 months later, was the best shape of my life, 10 lbs heavier, all muscle. Ive run 8 total fulls but never that fast again. It was also the year I PRd 50k and 50 Miles. None of my fulls or (10) ultras since have I done so well. But Im searching for a different kind of PR this year…and its going to be more about my mental stamina than anything!!

Anyways, adding muscle to a frame that isnt carrying fat is easy. I said it. Its fucking easy.
I have fat to lose now, so I cant just keep lifting. I need more time on my feet to build the endurance to spend 24 hours moving on a trail. Pretty basic stuff.

Ive been mixing spin, running (I just started back up) and lifting (HIITS). Today I followed a sprint video and there were only ten 30 second sprints but phwew, I was feelin’ it!!

Lifting is definitely my favorite of the three types of activities but I know theyre all important. As a side note, my new house has a pool, so no more excuses to not swim. I cant wait to open it and start training – for my first Iron Man. But I digress….first I need to do my next ultra, in exactly 2 months!!!

So I close with a horrifying before-after pic (wine belly).

before and after

Be well my friends,



talent is key

Today I am not at a race I was registered for, for various reasons. I decided I need to start blogging again. And since I would normally be ‘blogging’ in my head throughout the entire race (in this case 12 hours on the trail) – for the post-race re-cap, I decided to organize a few of my current work-related thoughts. Enjoy…

To start, take a look at this interview

…between Autoline Weekly and a panel of some of the very best cyber security experts.

If you only watch the first 5 minutes of this important conversation you’ll notice that the very first solution ingredient you hear mentioned is #talent and all the members of the panel agree to its dire importance. General Stone said, “One of the things we’ve been working on for a long time…is talent.” He goes on to describe in great detail how strategy for business, all the way up to the White House level involves training, developing, and building the right workforce.

If you’ve heard me speak on the subject, either in a presentation or over coffee, you’ll know that I say the number of vacancies is a bit deceptive and skewed by various factors but the fact remains that recruiting the right people is a serious issue that every company faces and shares. Ive often said in my intake and strategy discussions with customers that if we can all agree that the number one qualifier for every requirement is ‘Willingness and Ability” then we are starting in a good place to consider who can do the work. That is part of the message you might receive when you hear one of the panel members say “Innovation happens when disciplines converge.” There is an investment that needs to occur at multiple layers by the employer to attract and retain the best talent.

This week my company’s CEO was talking about investments. He sketched out on a white board a table that showed the arc between ROI and Risk, and all I could think was, ‘This is what recruiting needs’ < Investment and Risks….thinking outside the box.
I am sure every dialogue occurring around cyber solutions ties back to the talent necessary to provide the services or create the products that are a critical part of the answer to the ever-changing cyber-threats that our world faces daily, be it car-hacking, or scada, or IT infrastructure.

So if you watch the interview all the way through, it closes on the same note, that talent is the key.

Outside of my ‘day-job’ where I am trusted to resolve this very problem, you’ll find being a part of as many events possible collaborating with intelligent like-minded individuals, be it an organized conference or spontaneous small gathering. I am known for and believe in helping people find their right place in all of this with mentoring, coaching and just plain old networking.
But enough about me 😉

If you’d like to find out more on how you can either personally learn and grow as a candidate, attract key talent to your own organization, or participate in helping others – please reach out!
And just like every race Ive ever completed, we will tackle this together – One Step at a Time!

Ending always with – Be well,


Final Spring Race Report 2016 – The Humble Version

So ultra number 10 in just under 5 yrs is done, and Im curled up in bed now all cozy. It didn’t turn out the way I’d planned, but that’s ok. Actually, all three of the races I did in the last month had results very unlike what I’d hoped. A succession of unforeseen recent events/circumstances had me pretty sure I wasn’t even going to go today. I wasn’t packed and nothing was charged, not my phone or my GoPro.

The race started at 7am and there I was, at 830, still home, drinking coffee in front of my computer about to do all the things I hadn’t finished this week. Then I just jumped in my car and headed down. I thought of Jodi and I hope she doesn’t mind me saying this but was I seriously going to not do the drive and at least 5 loops because of blisters or sprains or work pressure or the kid stress or any series hectic or taxing trauma – while my friend is fighting cancer? For like 8 years!!? Im not going to get into her business but I will just say that her unwavering faith and beautiful love for our Lord humbles me greatly and make me admire her so.

I needed this. I needed to be out there. And they let me start late!! By the time I arrived everyone was at least two loops ahead of me, including the new friend I met during the North Face and dragged to Flying Pig with me. I think he finished 7 loops! Woo Hoo!

I actually got to spend a good bit of time on my own, with just my thoughts, clearer on the trail than at any other time. My original goal for this 24 hour run was to run the full 24 for a distance of 75 miles (12 loops). Now I was aiming to call it a night after only 5. And thats ok.

Oh how I love how my head lectures itself when I am out there in the woods.I decided these trail ultras, particularly the timed ones, are the best metaphor for life. You race against yourself. There are twists and turns and obstacles. There are many unexpected things that can happen from a stumble over a root or a slithering snake gone by or the noticing of a tiny pretty flower all alone and smiling up at you. The kindness of others out there is really a gem in it all. Everyone helps everyone in every possible way.

These ATR races in particular, more than any, are so full of wonderful people carefully providing the most wonderful race experience. Wounds are dressed, bladders are filled, encouraging words are spread and the food is outstanding. You leave feeling not just like you have more friends than when you arrived but that you are part of a big awesome family.

Today, I thought about humility. I thought about in life how you get put in a situation where you feel someone else gets something you deserve. When you get blamed for things you didn’t do or watch others take credit for what you were responsible for. How can we really learn and grow in all these situations? How are our greatest lessons the most painful ones? Knowledge and wisdom come with scars.

I reflected about attention and approval and how Ive always craved both for some reason. A year ago I did ten loops and I needed to do more. But why? I mean its not a bad thing to be motivated and have goals but it doesn’t hurt to know what the point is. To be still when God tells you to. To listen. To be at peace. To stop trying to control everything. And out there on the trail, there’s so much you cant control…so translate that into life. Ive been too stressed lately. This little 10+ hr run gave me clarity. Peace…

When I was home earlier where I belonged and needed to be, the sunshine outside for the first time all week, beckoned at me and I couldn’t fight it. I shut my laptop and just left. I knew the injuries I had were from the last couple of races and were minor and that if I took it easy, I’d get through it.

The trail was in amazing shape considering all the rain we’ve had – or maybe my standards just changed after the NF muddy debacle. I do wish I”d had the GoPro with me for some o the trickier spots, just to share – but really, there are things that no film could ever really capture – and that is the whole personal experience.

At one point, I had the full on Curt-Schilling-bloody-sock thing going on, just like in North Face a month ago. The crew put new skin on me and taped it and off I went. Shortly later it slid off and was rubbing worse. So the next time I came through they cleaned it, disinfected it, reskinned it and then “taped the fuck out of it”
Not only did it hold the rest of my loops, I could hardly get it off when I got home. Its in rough shape and will be for a while, but Im confident I’ll be back in order soon enough.

Luckily there are no more races on the horizon. I am taking off for a week, completely, Then Im going to increase the water intake, reduce coffee and wine, carb-cycle and split my days between Daily Burn and riding my bike, whenever possible. Just do what I do, because choices matter.

I came home to flowers and a card and most importantly – a big yummy Starbucks ordered just the way i like it.
Happy Mother’s day.

Be well everyone
<3 <3 <3 K

The North Face 50 Miler Endurance Challenge DC 2016 – Race Report

*let me forewarn you that I cuss a lot – there’s no other way to tell this particular story for my own reasons, if you cant handle it, go elsewhere

At 345 am I was seriously considered just not going. All the way there I was fine with just saying screw it, turning around and getting back in my warm bed – the snow was already falling – but I was on autopilot and I just put all my gear on and went. I had a very emotional and stressful last few weeks, personally and professionally – too much to even try to explain and lets face it, that’s life, everyone has their own crap they’re going through, that’s not special or interesting – but I hadn’t broken down yet, and it was all still in me and I had to do something with it all. I was going to re-purpose all of the stress and pain and emotions into fuel and go forward.

So here we are. I arrived just with enough time to walk from the drop off area to the corral and they were counting down to go before I could even figure out my head lamp or take any fuel. Fourth time on this course, but doing 50 miles instead of 50k this time. This race starts two hours earlier, so its pitch black dark at 5am. And the powers of the universe decided this day will be unseasonably cold….with enough rain to muddy up the trails so much that your shoes are getting pulled off your feet and youre sliding all over the place, falling on top of each other. And it snowed, and it sleeted, and when the sun finally decided to show its face, the wind gusts picked up to 50mph.
There are checkpoints where they mark your bib to ensure and certify that you’ve reached said location before the cutoff time. The first few checkpoints I was congratulated and told I was way under the cutoff and doing great. I was beaming. I was looking at a 10 hours finish if I stayed on pace. Is this real?? Speaking of pace, I know my pace by now. Ive done this enough times. I don’t wear a gps watch or track it on my phone, I don’t need to. I know where I need to be and where I am. I am have no sense of direction, but this much I know – I always know how fast Im going.

Every checkpoint was the same thing – and when I finished loop one (the 50 milers have to do this lovely, hilly, rocky 7 mile loop three times before they head out through the rivers to the finish line).

After loop one I am congratulated and told to have fun on loop two, my bib gets marked. Im as high as a kite. I cannot believe Im looking at a PR, nevermind one of nearly two hours, after not running more than a mile the last 6 months. Im connecting to folks along the way, like I do in every trail race. Im so happy.
Then a bib marker says, Hey, your over, you need to step it up and run as fast as you can to the next check, that’s about 15 miles up there or youre done, GO.

Wait a minute – how the hell is that possible? I went from having an hour of leeway to I better book it up this giant ass hill or Im done? Now this is not a case of me losing track of time or misjudging my pace or anything like that. The only way this could even be possible is a) I went off course somehow (this is about a 7 mile discrepancy right now and let me assure you, I don’t have an extra 7 fucking miles in me right now like I did last year when I went 8 miles off course – and it was 40 degrees warmer and dry)….b) my bent bib *I folded it, effed up my timing chip c) I missed a timer, went around it or something, which seems absurd to me….or who the hell even knows at this point but Im just going to pull it out of myself and run as hard as I can….I don’t have time to ponder – I have to GO.
So I did. I was probably pulling an 8 or 9 minute mile pace….booking. Now this is either 22 or 29 miles into it, depending who you freaking ask ((there are like 6 different course workers all saying different things and checking computers and deciding)).
The lady at the next checkpoint, the main station at the park – checks me off as completing loop two. I ask her to clarify, because of what just happened. She does. OK. Drama over. Im going to go finish loop 3. Im back on track. Im 6 hours into it right now with maybe 5 hours to go.
I go get some food real quick Potatoes and salt of course.

Then it happens.
‘Excuse me miss, you didn’t make it. We radioed into the last check, they marked you off the watch list.’
‘Im sorry?’
‘Just sit over there until we can pick you up.’

Now Im flipping out. How did I go from a 2 hr PR to a DNF? Why cant any of you figure this shit out? I want to see the RD (who was very, very nice btw).
I wait. And wait. Minutes feel like hours. Im shivering. Im aching.

Now imagine waiting. All of a sudden you cool down, you cramp up, your muscles cease, your hormones go haywire. This is horrible. Even if you figure yourselves out (ftr this IS NOT the first time that THIS has happened to me on this course)….you just completely fucked me over, its going to be nearly impossible for me to warm back up and get on pace and finish. I waited approx. 30 mins for them to figure it out. Why is this a thing?

Now a couple other people are being told they didn’t make it either – they were both heading into loop 2 not 3. At this point I literally don’t care if I was on two or three.
We quickly decide to take things into another direction. We band together. We go rouge.

We turn in our badges, sign a waiver, and decided to run to the finish line anyways!!!!!!! BANDIT STYLE.
I mean we couldn’t just sit around any longer and freeze.

But you know what, we really couldnt run anymore. We ultimately walked, hobbled, meandered, stumbled, fell, cried, laughed, hallucinated, wandered….for approximately 5 hours to the finish line. There was blood, there was mud, there were tears and stories and hugs and pictures – there are cuts and bruises I will never be able to explain. I rolled both ankles. I put my hand through a rotten tree stump (its true). The entire bottom of both feet are blistered now from the last 5 hours of soaking wet feet sloshing around – blisters that formed on the back of my ankles where the bottom of my pants strategically rubbed too many times into the top of my socks, were ripped open and bleeding….I could barely walk now.
Poor Steve by the way, has been receiving such texts as:
– Im halfway done and going to crush this
– Im done, come get me
– Nevermind, Im finishing
– I have no idea how long its going to take

He just parked and waited….for hours.

We finished. Me, Michelle and Josh. The three amigos. The three crazy, beaten up, hilarious amigos.



If you look me up its going to say I only ran 22 or 29 miles (whatever they freaking decided) but you know what – I kept going and – we got our medals (and our bibs ftr). We know what we did. Its our story and we like it.
Im so glad we kept going.

I want to close with a thank you to the Man Upstairs for getting us all through it, to my hubs for all his patience and support yesterday and a congratulations to everyone who showed up and gave it their all and my (sweaty disgusting) hat’s off to the ones that kept on running – I am amazed by all of you.

*note* at one point we thought about steeling a golf cart that still had the keys in it but we didn’t 😉

See you in a few weeks Flying Pig – then ATR24!!!


I was trying to explain to someone the other day how my tattoos are a part of me and how once Ive gotten each one, I feel like they’ve always been a part of me and belong on me. All my ink is meaningful and ties into my running journey.

The first one is a pair of sneakers at rest with music notes floating out of them. They are slightly askew, having just been kicked off after a run.

The verse at the top of my back, my life verse, means that although Ive not yet arrived, I press on. That’s every race, and every challenge, every day.

My latest one means two different things to me. Its not just what Texas told Mexico, and the Spartans told the Persians – it is a statement of defiance – To one party it says, I’d rather die than follow your instructions. To another party, it means Ive got your back – I’ll go down fighting with you, till the death. Those 300 soldiers knew they had no chance, but they stood with their king and went down fighting. Its my pact with my eldest son (and can be applied to his brother, or my husband).


Im not sure where the finish line ultimately is for me – if and when I’ll feel like Ive done all I want to discover Im capable of doing out on the trail, but my artwork is part of the story, just like the scars, inside and out.

Running to me is not a 5k or a road race or some stupid shiny medal. Running is a trail, it is a mountain, it is the dark, and the smoldering heat and the bitter raining cold. Running is the challenge, the fresh air, the nature, the rolling river – it is falling on rocks, wiping off the blood and drinking out of puddles. Running is the wonderful people I meet every time, some who I have grown to know and love, some I never see after the race – It is the perfect metaphor for my life.

We’ll see how I feel in a few weeks when my spring racing season (that I didn’t really train for – at least not in terms of running) is over. For now, Im not done yet.


People ask me why I run ultras.

My dad stated some years ago when I started all this that anyone who would ask would not understand the answer.

The first time I ever raced was 10 miles. I went into it having never run any distance even close to that and had no idea if I could do it. It was the greatest feeling crossing the finish line and Ive never stopped since.

In a few weeks Im going to run my third 50 miler, then a marathon a few wks later (not sure if Im going to run it or walk it yet), and then a week later, my 3rd 24-hour loop race. I did 50 the first time, 100k the second, and I’d like to do 75 miles this time! And that’s my spring racing season, for which I have not really prepared, at least not as far as time on my feet goes.

I will re-assess how I feel about #Grindstone after the summer. I have had people say that I should try a 100 Miler that is less technical. Maybe a nice flat loop race. That’s not what I want to do though. Its not just the miles or distance – it’s so much more. I want to go back to that course which was the hardest most technical thing Ive ever set foot on and accomplish it – and qualify for Western States while Im at it. Qualifying for #WesternStates, is, to me, what I guess, qualifying for #Boston is for marathoners.

And while we are at it – I just watched the Barkley documentary and I cannot stop thinking about it.

The wretched James Earl Ray, who assassinated Dr Martin Luther King Jr, escaped the ‘inescapable’ Brushy Mountain Maximum Security prison.
He made it 8 miles in 54 hours. And THAT is where the #Barkley takes place. It is this unmarked, ever changing course. No gps allowed. Five 20 miles loops going up and down 12k feet every pass – the equivalent to going up and down Everest, twice. Flesh tearing thorns. No course markings. Just books that you tear pages out of to prove you’ve gone where youre supposed to go.
In 30 yrs, 16 have finished, and it took 10 yrs for the first person so finish. No female, ever.


Mark my words.

And Im gonna do the whole Appalachian Trail, and maybe Machu Piccho. I have got so much to do. One Step at a Time.

Gary Cantrell:

“you cant accomplish anything without facing the possibility of failure”

“to find out that something, about themselves” – “challenge your limitations”

“you cant tell how much you can do, until you’ve tried more”

rolling along…

Today’s #workout (so far) –
105 squats, 30 lunges, 48 weighted high knee box steps, 20 of each: deadlifts with tri rows, bicep curls, overhead presses, resistance band rows, lawnmowers, situps, kettle swings and weighted mason twists
In 25 mins
I started #DailyBurn end of Nov
I started *carb-cycling beginning of Jan
I’m down 9 lbs and more importantly, 6.5 inches (chest, hips, waist).
Im trying not to be obsessed with the scale – as strength and overall wellness is more important. For a good stretch of time I was quite sick, with lots of work and stress and travel etc.
My goal is to work out daily. Im happier when I do ((Note: I haven’t ran longer than a mile in six months and have 3 big races occurring in a period of 30 days in less than 2 months))!!
Life gets in the way though right? I work, I travel – have kids and a dog and a house. Some days are better than others. Im very blessed to be able to work from home most of the time. I can workout most days.
*For more on what is carb-cycling, I’d refer you to a few great sites, including #Livestrong, where they really get into the science of how your body responds to carbs in terms of producing hormones like serotonin and insulin, and how this effects hunger, metabolism and fat-storage, as well as fuel distribution. It is not about carb avoidance all around, it is about proper cycling (days of No, Low & High carbs) AND I remain clean and gluten free. Its not just carbs and calories, or for that matter quantity as much as quality. Eat REAL food. Balance protein and good-fat. Its much easier than it sounds. I am not lacking or craving anything.
ps I plan to PR some stuff this year….maybe #BQ, maybe 75 miles, maybe 100 – the sky’s the limit.
Anyways – I share cuz I care – and it keeps me accountable. Stay on the right road my friends – and if you sway, fret not, we’re all human, just step back over where you belong and move forward – One Step at a Time!!
Be Well
<3 K *progressprogress*

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