Just another blog ~ some helpful stuff ~ some feelings etc

Author: kirsten (Page 3 of 10)

Somethings bugging me

The weather was perfect.  Despite the usual lack of sleep or nutrition, I felt fine.

Finishing up loop 1 I said out loud, That was easy.  I loved the time to myself.  The time w my thoughts.

I wasnt in pain or tired.  Same after loop two.  I was good.  Training?  I thought, Who needs training 😉

There was a funny moment at aid where I asked for scissors so I could cut my pants into shorts.  A nurse helped me, after she noticed I cut myself (Im clumsy and my hands were swollen).

Approaching the 20 mile mark of loop 3, I was coming up to my favorite part of this course, the rocky ridge at the rivers edge.  Was almost done and ready to meet up with my friend who was going to pace me thru the last two loops, I got bit

FUCK – I screamed.   It hurt.

I couldnt see whatever it was, but I slapped it.   And it fucking bit me again.  I just ran.

Since whatever it was bit me twice, it wasn’t a bee, and there was no stinger.  It was probably a wasp.  A nasty, angry wasp who didn’t mind the smell and taste of insect repellent.  Swelling and dizziness and itchy hives ensued.   My head was spinning and I felt like I had bugs all over me.   And I knew my race was over.  Only ~6 hours into it, I was done.

That was 6 hours ago.  I still itch and have markings all over my chest and stomach (though I was bit  on my shoulder and shin).  The only reason this makes me happy is that if I was going to be haunted by regret over if I’d over reacted and should have kept going, and I will, be haunted – at least I know that anaphylaxis is no joke and I really couldn’t  run anymore.

**though a weird dark version of me has always thought if I could pick where I die it would be on the trail**

Anyways, I knew it was a more serious reaction  than just the bite site, when the itching was everywhere.  I knew I needed benadryl and I knew the amount I needed  would knock me out.

So I  cut off my chip, on this beautiful cool fall day, when I felt strong and pain free, was making great time,  and was about to be paced by a super cool chic.

Those the the breaks I guess.

Time to register for the next one.

Its ok to adjust

Hello Fitness Fam,

My boss is trying to make me less instinctual/impulsive, and more process-driven – or some shit.  I get it.  Its probably a good thing to at least practice for business if I ever want to fully claim an expertise in a thing.  that doesnt mean it will become my mode of ops as much as I want to fully understand it and in my experience, the best way to learn is by fire.

By that line of thinking, not just in my professional life but in my running/fitness-life, I have become so less regimented and more sporadic than I was in the beginning, when frankly, I was better at it.

Today Im looking back at my 50k a few weeks ago and thinking about the 50 miler in a few weeks.

I want to do it so bad.

In that race, I  just did 5 laps in just under 11 hours and that is pathetic and has me questioning if I can do 8 in 13.

My first lap took 90 mins (yes a 10k should take an hour or less but if you’ve never ran on a trail you don’t know, trust me, its harder than the street).  < plus I have a legit fear of falling now, by experience and was shittily undertrained.

Anyways, if I can maintain that 90 min per lap pace for 8 loops, I’d be in at the 50 mile finish at around 12 hrs.  I did my first 50 miler in under 12 hrs, but that was almost 7 yrs ago.  I was younger, thinner, fitter.

A point to point is so different (so much harder) than a timed race, but this was has generous cut offs – maybe because it is a night race.  So perhaps I should just focus on continuing to rehab and detox and drop the  extra baggage and just do the 12 hr in Sept?  That will be very close to my 8 yr anniversary since my first marathon, the MCM.

As I look forward to doing my thirteen ultra (whichever one I chose) in less than 8 years at the age of  44, there are so many rusty warn out places on my body – Ive broken bones and gotten  stiches and tweaked the fuck out of places on my back, knees and ankles.  I just have to be sensitive to the signals my body gives me and adjust accordingly.

That said – I just did day 19 of the Beach  Body 90 Day Obsession  – granted I think Im supposed to be on Day 20 – so I guess I’ll make up for that later. I ended leg day a little early because I felt an aggravation in my sciatica, one of the aforementioned old-lady-rusty-spots as a results of trying to be something Im not and  deadlifting way too much with improper form back in Feb.

And that convoluted diatribe is the reason I’ll propably never finish my book.  Thanks  for listening and have a great day.

Be well.

Xo – K

ultra#12 – Thank you sir, may I have another

OK first, lets start here…



That about covers that stuff I get asked all the time.

Here is what happened yesterday.

The setting is a trail once used by the CIA to train cadets, before it was the CIA (OSS) and adjacent to where Marines and FBI are trained today.

After a week  of not eating or sleeping properly on a trip to the West Coast, I landed then headed to the race.  So in my head it was only 4am when it started and I don’t sleep on planes so I hadn’t slept since Thu.

I started training for this race beginning of Nov.  I trained 5 or 6 days per week for three months and was just starting to feel like I was in a groove and making progress.  My goal was to get a new PR.  Then on the first day of February, I deadlifted 175 lbs.  I have no business doing such a  thing and I paid the price (sciatica). <ouch man

Here’s the thing about that, I think my trainer and I share responsibility in the foolish move that I ended up paying the price for.    I mean, I did say, No, I cant (after two pulls) and he said, Do it.  And I did.  And then, I just kept working out.

I could have stopped.  And during the weeks of significant pain that followed, I could have done more stretching, then worked from that to push ups then squats,  and been strict with my nutrition etc but I didn’t – I got depressed and gained weight and got wicked out of shape.

So ironically all that workingout lead to me being  less prepared rather than more.

It was 5 years ago, on the day, I did a Bad To The Bone series 50k.  It was very hard (it is on a mountain).  Until yesterday, it was my slowest 50k finish, at 10 hrs.  BTTB races have waist high water and significant elevation.  I ran that one an hour faster than the one yesterday.  In fact, this is the slowest of 9 50ks Ive ever done, all on tough courses.

Loop one I was fine.  I finished it feeling like I was possibly going to do 8 or more (each loop is 10k so 8 loops is 50 miles).  Loop two the sciatica started talking to me.   First a whisper, then a shout.  It’s the first sensation of pain it’d given me for weeks.  I thought I was healed.  Maybe something like that never fully goes away though and can be aggravated  and if ever I was going to exacerbate it, I guess running on choppy terrain on no sleep w no training, would be the way.

I however, was not going to at least do 5 loops so it would still be an ultra.  Midway through loop 4, I wasn’t sure I could do one more.  Every step I took on the left side felt like what I imagine being stabbed with a knife would feel like.  And if I have learned one thing in ultra-running, it is that if you start favoring one side, something will go wrong on the other side (100% true).

Sure enough, I started feeling bad in a few different places.  But the trail quality was perfect and the weather could not have been better and the best part, I hadn’t fallen (huge for me – long story).   Probably because I was going so slow, but still.  For perspective on the speed, I can run a 10k in an hour or less.  I was doing these loops in about 90 mins, taking about a 10 minute break after each loop by the time you add up grabbing food and doing first aid and using the facilities (not to gross you out but my stomach was a disaster the whole time and its that time of the month on top of all that).  Woohoo!

So I end loop 4 (marathon distance) and I just keep on going.  As I said, it was a perfect day – and all the beauty of it overwrote the discomfort…


Loop 5 wasn’t that bad.  By the way, it’s a lollipop loop, so after you head up the base, you can go left or right.  Most people choose right, because they find its easier to do the majority of the climbing on fresher legs then zoom downhill to the finish.  This  really makes sense and I should have done it but I got this thing in my head a long time ago (Ive done this race 4 times) that I want to go in the same direction every time and since I went left the first time, it’s the only way I go.

When I finished loop 5, I knew I could do more.  Alex, the RD, he knew it too, and told me he wouldn’t cut my timer chip off.  Technically I could have rested and gone back out.  Afterall, its whatever you can do in 24 hours, and I’d only been  our there 11.  I had 13 more hours to go.  Maybe if I rested, or had a crew (aka nitro coffee) or took a few advil, I could knock out a few more loops.  But I wanted to be in my bed for the first time in a week and I wanted to see my doggie and just be home.  So I cut the chip off myself.

So Athletic Equation Trail Race #6 done.  By far my favorite Trail Race series of all.  Cant say enough about the crew and amenities and course.  Love it

Final message, If I can do that, in the shape and condition I was in, anyone can.

And yes, I just signed up for my next one!!

2018 is almost here!

I tweeted yesterday about saying No and Delegating More. Its hard. Not just because I want things done a certain way, and maybe want the recognition or appreciation that sometimes come with doing things – but also, when you value things, you know they deserve you – and yet the you that’s left spreads thinner and thinner….coaching ~ family – friends – career – fitness/goals etc #allthethings

And so now, Im Headed Back into the swing of things – or at least getting there. I have done a few classes in the last week, and I am committed to attending a class a minimum of 4 times per week with 2 additional classes optional, depending how the week/day is going.
Tue, Thu and Sat am are Kettle (my favorite); and Sun am is Bootcamp. Theyre a blast!! Mon and Wed evenings, if I can make it, will be HIIT.

Ive trained with Joey aka Burr Strength before as a personal trainer and I am SO proud of him for having his own space now. He is fantastic.

Today during bootcamp, one of the stations for one of the sets, was a pullup. I used to be able to do one (see proof below circa 2015/2013). I am not fit/strong/thin enough at this time to do one.
When we were supposed to do situps with a medicine ball over our heads and throw it at the wall, I couldnt do that either. I mean, I could throw it, and then sit up, but not one swift motion. And I don’t like it.

Ive just been way too far off track, and this is not a new story. Its Groundhog Day. Off track then back on again. But it feels good to have a thing I can stick to now and that its so enjoyable.
When the alarm goes off super early, just like before any race, there is a moment where I consider just going back to sleep – but I NEVER do and I never regret it when Im done!

My nutrition is always a bit stricter than ‘normal’ but nowhere near as good as it could be and I Know it. I do have a lot of reasons, but no excuses.

Im only registered for one race so far for 2018, an ultra of course, and I’ll probably end up doing at least two.

Everyone has a lot of things theyre balancing, some more than others. So here’s to less coffee and wine; and more water – and at least 4 hours of hardcore training per week, sometimes 6.

This is a good jump start on what can and will be a fantastic 2018.

Raise your standards and expectations – Have intentions that make you feel good and resolve in your own favor – Do you & Be well –

Love ~K~

ps I will do a pullup soon!!




*edited* I wrote the original version of this when I was very raw. I redacted a bunch of stuff that derailed from the point of it all, which is not me, but Buddy.

For the better part of my childhood, lets just call it, Chapter 1 – we lived either with, or very close to (in one case across the street from) my mom’s parents. My maternal grandmother had six children. Her youngest child, Buddy, was the same age or younger than her eldest grandchildren and was only a few yrs age different from some of them, including me.

And since we lived together and were around the same age (my oldest brother is my irish twin), we were like siblings. When we were living in my grandparents basement, my mother’s 2nd sister passed away.
Grama adopted her youngest son, David. I was about 5 or 6 at the time. David was only a couple yrs younger than me. Now I had another little brother. We all lived together.

Talk about a blended family 😉

Now my mom is working all the time. She has at least two jobs most of the time during this chapter. So, I am with my grandparents (and uncle and cousin aka ‘other brothers’) basically always. My Grampa, Buddy’s dad, was a father to us all.

Adam and David and Jon and I were all the pesky little siblings to Buddy who was other than us, the baby of 9 kids if you combine everyone. When he was in high school I was a cheerleader on his football team. He taught us all to play stratego and to love the Beatles. He was our big brother. In a way, he later becomes everyone’s big Brother.

He turns into the matriarch of the family after his dad passes. He literally takes care of everyone as needed. He is the youngest you may recall, and yet he is often the one that everyone depends on. He does right by all. He does the right thing always. He has an admirable career as a partner at Ernst and Young where he worked for over 30 years.

Then one day, a short while ago, I hear he has been battling brain cancer, the same disease that stole his dad from us, wickedly and rapidly. But he refuses to let it beat him and says that he will watch his youngest son graduate college. He already saw his oldest, his namesake, Harrison the 4th, graduate. And I knew he would do this. I knew he was a fighter and had made up his mind.

I told myself I would wait to hear when he would be comfortable seeing visitors, but that I wanted to catch a Red Sox game or Pats game with him soon. Baseball season came and went and I never made arrangements to see him — but I did write him a letter. I don’t know if he saw it or read it. Im thankful though that I wrote down my feelings to him.

And then, for some reason – and this is just going to probably mean something to me and be weird to everyone else, I hung up and old picture I am not terribly fond of that I haven’t looked at in a long time. Its from my wedding. It was that picture you put out that everyone signs. I stared at the signatures and read them, probably for the first time in 16 years. I noticed that 5 of the people who wrote a note, have passed. It struck me in my gut. I mentioned it to Steve and Justin, last night… And then, the next day, today, Halloween, it is 6 not 5. He is gone.

God bless you Vicki and Harrison and Conor. Your husband and father was a treasure. A beacon. May he rest in peace.

Thank you Buddy for taking Grama to my wedding. Thank you for your generosity always and to everyone. Thank you for your wisdom and your love. Youre with Grama and Grampa now and I know they are happy to be with their baby boy of whom they were to justifiably proud. Im sorry the white sweater hand rainbow stripes on the sleeves. I know you liked things to be correct. Sorry about the grilled cheese incident at that Cape – we were little brats, just like Grampa said. And Im sorry I knocked down the dominoes. I know I was annoying and I hogged Grampa’s attention.

Please don’t wake me up too late.
Tomorrow comes and I will not be late.
Late today when it becomes
Tomorrow I will leave and go away.
Goodbye. goodbye.
Goodbye. goodbye.
Goodbye. goodbye.
My love, goodbye.


buddy sign

“Do you really know how to program?”

Someone asked me that at work this week.

Not sure if he saw it on my Twitter or LinkedIn or what but he asked.

“Yes, I do”

I didn’t ask why he asked. I don’t know if pretending to know such a thing, is a thing, or whatever, but that’s fine.

Here is the evolution, of how one might have gone from, what we called programming back when I did it, to what I do now.

Its early 90s. I have my first ‘real’ job at 19. I was at the reception desk for a federal contractor, while taking classes at community college.
Over a short period I turned answering the phones into posting job ads (we faxed them to the paper ;)) into naturally taking on more and more recruiting & HR responsibilities (I managed open enrollments etc).

The positions were primarily programming, some dbase, QA and support. I was curious about programming and eager to learn about it whenever anyone would take the time to explain it to me.

My commute was 75 miles one way. That is not a typo. I had lots of time on my hands during the commute (van pool). So, I read books about programming ((later I’ll tell the how I got into infosec story and the books I read on the plane ride to my first DEFCON)).
Anyways, one of the PMs, his name was William (I wonder how he is doing) seemed to appreciate my interest and gave me an assignment.

I wrote a remote profile maintenance program, on my own, in Visual Basic, for the USPS. Well, a piece of it. I was so proud of myself. Its really the only program I ever wrote. That was in 1993.

The commute got to me after a few yrs and I moved into an HR role for a local municipality. I could not shake my love for technology though, and when the whispers of bringing PCs into the fold started (yes we used typewriters and card files – though we did have a nifty AS400 system and dummy terminals) I jumped all over it and helped establish and build the helpdesk and deployment of units and training. Next thing you know Im a help desk manager.

When I relocated out of that small town, I moved to an ecommerce firm in the midst of the dot com boom (late 90s) managing their support desk – and yet I missed HR…

There’s a bunch of chapters missing here but suffice to say, I heard about a contract recruiting position and a) the pay was nice b) it seemed to be a good mix for HR and IT and c) was closer to home than the position at the ecomm firm in DC.

And here we are 18 yrs later – running a team of tech recruiters for a Big Data Analytics and Infosec company.

I could recruit for healthcare or transportation or construction, but I recruit in technology because, its what I love, and anymore, it touches everything.

That is all for now.

Be well,
<3 ~K~

Another one in the books!

Today was my 11th ultra (8th 50k) in 6 years. I went into it having run so few times in the last year I can count it on one hand. I told myself I’d do 5 loops. And I did. I wanted to do each loop in 2 or less hours and finish sub 10 (I did).

*edit* And technically I ran/meandered 37 miles, but who’s counting? 😉

“Its all in your head” I told myself, and “Just run when you can”
‘When you can’ for me, today, meant, when its not a steep climb or ridiculous terrain. Tired wasn’t supposed to be the reason.

For reference, my 50k PR (North Face) is 7 hrs and this took 9. Not my best showing of course, but I did what I set out to do and didn’t get hurt. I’ll take it.

Sometimes when people hear me describe all the ultras I do as ‘endurance’ or ‘adventure’ races, they say, ‘Oh are there obstacles?’ Well, not manmade ones. Not like the races where you leap over campfires and climb rock walls with ropes, or scoot under barbed wire.
But there are significant hills, and rocks and mud and rivers and roots, and sometimes mountains – so plenty of obstacles. Theyre tough, no joke. Here’s an example of today’s track.

atr 12

This is going to be a shorter blog post than usual.

One thought that kept popping in my head though was how folks always ask WHY? Now Ive mentioned this before, how my dad said that no one who would understand my answer would ask, but here’s my answer.


Ive heard “I don’t run unless Im being chased” so many times, all I can say to it is “Ive never heard that one before” – But why do people do that? When someone shares something with me that is a part of their life, I don’t make them feel weird about it. If you belly-dance, or do cosplay, or collect thimbles, maybe you do mixed-martial arts, or eat sushi…..I don’t feel the need to proclaim that I not only don’t do anything of those things, I wouldn’t possible do them unless I was forced to. Whats the point of that? Is it to make the person feel abnormal for not being like you? Anyways – enough about that.

*Oh and I came home to pizza, wine, chocolate and coffee (he knows me so well)…

The 24 Hour is in April….maybe I’ll actually train for that one – maybe not 😉

Be well

<3 ~K~

Giving Yourself Permission

…to do less.

…to be ok.

Being a self-motivated person can certainly lead to accomplishments and success but it is also a sort of prison. No one is harder on me than me and Im unable to relax. If Im not doing many things, or trying very hard, it actually stresses me a great deal.

Brief times in my life when I had nothing I was particularly driven or passionate about, were the most depressing times Id ever known.

I come a cross, I think, sort of always in a state of upset. But really Im not. Im just not fucking around, because I don’t want to. If youre chill, and that’s your thing, good for you, that’s just not how Im wired.

Whether Im on vacation or it is the weekend or evening, I am generally not satisfied unless Im doing or about to do SOMETHING.
I have a big race coming up, the first one in a long time and maybe the only one I’ll do all year – which, by the way, Im not READY for – as I haven’t trained at all, but Im actually looking forward to it.

When Im about to leave for Vegas every summer, I get well wishes, some of them laced with sarcasm or jealous, along the lines of “Try to have fun” – but really, it’s a fuck ton of work. The work starts long before the events and goes on long after. And I do realize I don’t do nearly as much as a lot of other folks do out there – but I can only measure against myself. What did I really just accomplish? I know what I got out of it but when the bean-counters analyze the ROI, what will they think? I nearly didn’t rest or relax the whole time I was there and didn’t do the majority of the personal-to-do-list things Id meant to do with my family (that was out there with me), or take a minute of PTO.

Today is beautiful weather and I keep going through my head about housework, work-work (catching up after being on travel for a week), working out etc. I decided to just go for a walk with my dog. Stopped and looked a ponds and vineyards and flowers and trees and the sky – and let my little buddy sniff all the things.

pup walk

All that to say, that’s what I did. And that’s ok.

Its ironic, if you think about it really, how hard relaxing is.

I picked up some groceries, I might get my hubs car detailed (as much for me as for him), Im catching up on reports and emails…..and I might not workout (bs you know I will) but anyways — GOT tonight and Im gonna let myself drink wine while I watch it 😀

So listen I guess the point of this is to try not to let life slip right past you. I certainly have missed out on a lot but I hope in a few weeks when Im out on the trail for 12 hours, I get some good me-time in there with my many thoughts. Maybe I’ll figure out something huge ;D

Be well friends,


neighbors and stuff….

Today’s short 1.5 mile run brought to you by comments neighbors make:

*Picture me, meandering by two teenagers running in the opposite direction*

**note** Im new to the neighborhood

“What does that tattoo mean?”

“Google it”

*Keeps running*

Along comes another runner towards me, “Oh, you dont have a shirt on” ((wtf Im in a sports bra and shorts on a hot ass July day early in the am))

(ref pic)

neighbors are dicks

“Uhm, nope”

Then I just wish I had head phones on and zone out.

FWD to the end of my short hot saunter.

30 mins of core with a tiny bit of strength (210 crunches and 60 squats)
Then 10 mins on the spin bike in cool down mode binging Louie.

Thats it. An hour. Then maybe a swim and some chores, a little bit of work-work and errands.

Day 3 of the longest period of time Ive taken off in over a yr!!

Oh and, If you’d like to participate in July Crunch Bunch challenge, benefiting Semper Fi (inspired by June’s Give a Squat where I did over 7k squats and we collectively raised over $1,500 – register below, its costs you nothing and is for a good cause and is a good motivator…

July Crunch Bunch Challenge – for SemperFi


Be Well <3 ~K

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