If you didn’t read it on my facebook page, I have accessory bones and that means, excessive trauma (like an ultra) can cause sprain-like condition. This would make certain post-race injuries make more sense looking back, but it isn’t consistent as Ive done plenty of ultras and marathons w no injury.
Now that I know my ankle is neither broken nor sprained, I really want to do the rest of my races for the year. I know that I would have kept running for 7 more hours if my feet/ankles didn’t hurt so bad and I don’t know if it will happen again, particularly the half next weekend.
Honestly, even if Im all healed, my toenails are terribly bruised and falling off. Its very sore.
In all likelihood, I won’t do the Annapolis Half, but I’m very fond of North Face Endurance and want to do something there. Maybe I’ll down grade to a shorter distance.
Well lets face it. I wont be ready for another 50 Miler so soon after the last one. So I want to do either 50k or a ½. Why? Why not consider a full?
Because a full is a lot of work and a 50k isn’t that much more – so, if Im feeling like I can put the time in, Im doing a 50k, if not, I think I can do a half. I’ll have to decide soon.
Anyone want my Annapolis Half bib??
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